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Say Goodbye to the Euro by 2016?

Politicians never get enough and never tell the truth. Perhaps they are right and can fool the people in general. Expect this move soon in your country. They are pretending they need to grab every phone call, text, and email for terrorism when in fact they are hunting money. So what do you do when […]

Who Becomes the Next Buyer?

QUESTION: A false move? I don’t follow.. If as you say the European money that’s been buying US stocks is now heading back to Europe, who will be the new buyers of US stocks? ANSWER: A False Move is an event that must shake the tree to get everyone out of their longs, causing many to then short. […]

Phase Transition for the Dow

The first possible time target coming out of the 2009 low was 2015.75 for the Dow to reach a Phase Transition and then a crash and burn. We stated in 2011 that the market was off to new highs, and Barrons even covered that forecast more as a curiosity. We have constantly warned that the Phase Transition was not confirmed yet. Indeed, the Phase […]

Venezuela’s Hyperinflation

The hyperinflation in Venezuela illustrates the real causes behind such events — the total collapse in the confidence of government. It is not a question of money supply for that is akin to putting the cart before the horse. As confidence collapses, people trust the government less and resort to using the currency of neighboring countries. This […]

Osborne is Destroying the British Real Estate Market

One reason someone like Donald Trump is so popular is because he is not a brain-dead politician with some practical market sense. The establishment based press keeps trying to sink his ship so we all suffer the pains of no change. In Britain, George Osborne’s “shock tax” is starting to sink in. In the process, hundreds of […]

Will Hillary’s Criminal Activity End Her Career?

Hillary’s “trust” rating nationally is 37% at best. No one with half a brain trusts her, but what the press is not reporting is rather stark. The White House controls the FBI; there is absolutely no possible way that the FBI would investigate Hillary during her Democratic run for the presidency when there is a […]

Markets in Turmoil: A False Move Preparing For Something Else?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all your writings. I may not understand them all, but certainly appreciate what you are doing to inform those of us you care what is happening in this world economy. Question: With the dow tanking, is this considered the FALSE move you wrote about previously. That in essence […]

Market Talk – August 21, 2015

The share markets collapsed and so far the May high looks to have been correct. The decline into this period is having the precise correlated response necessary to create the peak in government for this turn in the ECM – the final rush to quality. The S&P 500 cash previously elected just one Weekly Bearish […]

Dow Sharp Drop – CAUTION Highly Warranted

  The Dow has been dropping sharply ever since it elected the first two Weekly Bearish Reversals at 17732 and 17510. The next key Weekly Bearish Reversals to pay attention to today are 16910 and 16680. A closing below both would signal a sharp decline into next week; holding may warn of a temp low […]

Reversals Are Scalable

  This video demonstrates the different results obtained from trading the long-term major number vs. the short-term and all numbers. We will incorporate scalability eventually in Phase II for the trader service. These are just reversals and not merging cycles for entry or exit.