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Why the Crash & Burn is Public not Private

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You mentioned the crash and burn applies to government assets, not private sector assets. Can the private sector stand on it’s own two feet? Thanks again, MB ANSWER: There are times when the private sector cannot stand and everyone runs to bonds/cash. Likewise, there are times when government can no longer stand […]

Why Removing Trump Will Lead to Civil War

QUESTION: Marty; It seems that the left is winning in preventing Trump from really reforming anything and the Republicans themselves are divided over Obamacare. Do you see this change? Thank you for what you do. It is striking how on point you have been. LE ANSWER: The Democrats led by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are […]

Fed & Interest Rates

James Bullard, president of the St. Louis Fed, in a March 3, 2017 interview with the Wall Street Journal, “The recent data aren’t that different from what they were at the time of the January meeting and we didn’t really use the January meeting to set up a March rate hike.” He also offered an important response to […]

Real Estate & the Financial Crisis

QUESTION: Hello Armstrong, Thank for you the great post “The Future – Putting it All Together”. It helps a lot to get a good overview, considering everything is connected. One question, you say “Real estate is nice for some part of a cash holding, but it is taxed to hold it and it is not liquid.” […]

Has Hollywood Shot itself in the Head?

The Oscars has plummeted in viewership. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ was criticized last year for failing to nominate any minority actors for the second consecutive year. The whole thing has become political and Hollywood has assumed its importance is far more than what its industry simply was – entertainment. This year, […]

Judicial Tyranny & Why We Need Strict Construction

COMMENT:  The Insanity of the EU Bureaucrats and the European Court of Justice (ECJ – The Vnuk Case Summary: In August 2007 Slovenian Damijan Vnuk working on a farm was injured when the farmer who was parking his tractor and trailer in a barn accidentally reversed into the ladder Vnuk was up on. Vnuk sued for […]

The Obama-Boehner Debt Crisis

The debt deal struck by President Barack Obama and the then House Speaker John Boehner back in October 2015, was done purposefully to ensure that the debt crisis would not unfold under Obama and the Democrats.  John Boehner never saw a government role of red tape he never cherished.  The debt deal was absurd that […]

More Evidence Against Global Warming Surfaces

While the Democrats are doing everything to block any alteration to the regulation and the tax scheme supported by Global Warming theories, the refreshing rise of Donald Trump in this arena is allowing free speech to be heard for the first time in more than a decade since Al Gore started this nonsense. This idea […]

Ernst & Young no longer Requires Degrees – No Evidence a Degree = Success

  I have warned that 2015.75 was the peak in government and the two many industries that government subsidizes has created the decay within our American society reducing disposable income – healthcare and education. Degrees I have warned are really worthless. About 60% of graduates cannot find employment in the degree they have paid for. […]

Norway Insane Property Boom or Capital Flight from Eurozone?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I was wondering if you could write a piece on the Norwegian real estate market? The market has gone complete mad the last couple of years with salaries declining, and housing prices booming. Over 40% of Oslo is now owned by people not leaving there. A lot of apartments are empty because people […]