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Market Talk- May 17, 2018

The Nikkei strength was the exception in Asia today, as all other core markets closed lower on the day. The Japanese index benefitted from the weakness of the Yen, which at one stage looked as though it may challenge the 111 handle. Even this evening in US trading it remains vulnerable as the safety bid […]

Euro Demise – The Crash of the Euro is Inevitable

Naturally, the majority had to be wrong that the dollar was in this inevitable bear market. These prognostications were typically those who kept cheering gold higher and ignore everything else on the silver plate of politics. The implications of the Italian elections have been ignored by so many. They were a major blow against the European Union […]

The Money Supply Always Increases in Time of War

QUESTION: Your chart on the Roman money supply shows a huge spike going into 87BC.  Was that just because of the Social War? GS ANSWER: No. During the autumn of 88 BC, there was a massacre of more than 80,000 unsuspecting Roman civilians which took place in Anatolia (western Turkey). The victims were Roman and Italian merchants, […]

Market Talk- May 16, 2018

The turn in energy prices and the rise in bond yields has started to affect global equity markets once again. In yesterdays US trading, treasuries opened weaker and just kept nudging higher. US Tens hit 3.095% which will also apply indirect pressure on Europe and EM bonds. The question is, was this the reason we […]

Market Talk- May 14, 2018

A solid performance from Asia with energy, tech and real estate leading the Hang Seng to another 1%+ return day. Although the HSI was the front runner, there were good gains made for all the core. Sentiment in mainland was probably helped by a tweet over the weekend by President Trump suggesting ongoing trade negotiations […]

Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

QUESTION: You have previously said that the Persian monetary system was based on gold, the Greeks used silver and the Romans began with bronze. That actually described the Biblical story of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue interpreted by Daniel. Do you think your research into the world Monetary System confirms that interpretation? WK ANSWER: I […]

Market Talk- May 11, 2018

Shanghai finished the day with a small loss (-0.35%) and the ASX closed almost unchanged, but all other core markets saw very strong returns. The Nikkei led the bunch with an impressive +1.2% gain, whilst the Hang Seng and SENSEX both added around 1%. Hong Kong’s rally today completed five days of positive returns taking […]

Market Talk- May 10, 2018

The energy price rally was again the reason given for positive equity markets around the world and Asia benefited also. The Hang Seng (+0.9%) performed the best, but only just edging out the +0.8% rally seen in the KOPSI index. Retail tech and financials helped the run, whilst currency movements also play their part. The […]

Spintriae – Roman Prostitute Tokens

  The Lost City of Pompeii preserved an affluent city which included everything from shops, fast food, bankers, and of course what they call the oldest profession in recorded history – prostitution. In the year 79 AD, Italy’s Mt. Vesuvius erupted with superheated ash that rained fiery death upon the people of the city. In the process, […]

Market Talk- May 9th, 2018

Asian markets were in two minds whether to follow energy prices or industrial metals after the news from Washington yesterday. The Nikkei (-0.4%) interpreted it as negative and hit stocks from the opening bell, but did not really go anywhere from then onward. The JPY has resumed its downward trend and is this evening flirting […]