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Corzine & Futures

“Martin, I have worked in the futures market for 20 years and what a great business! Unfortunately, Corzine turned up and destroyed our “Sleepy futures operation and hell.. what do they know….. I am an ex GS CEO…”. – Let me tell you for the record, he bought Greek bonds in size in 2010!! “Mr […]

Can a Future President Undo Obamacare?

QUESTION: Would it be possible for the next president to use an executive order to eliminate this nationalized healthcare? You and I both know the courts are not going to overrule any aspect of it. ANSWER: Typically, once something like this is in, forget it. Will never be repealed and an executive order will not […]

Timing on S&P 500 Futures

Timing Array For S&P 500 Futures When looking at the Timing Arrays note the timing models labelled along the left side and a series of histograms vertically aligned with dates into the future. In this case each date represents the beginning of a week. Normally the higher the histogram for each timing model the more […]

Timing on CBT US Bond Futures

LONG TERM TIMING FOR BONDS From the Quarterly Chart of Bonds we see a Bifurcation Turning Point indicated for 3rd Quarter 1998. Next look at the Timing Arrays. Note that the 3rd Quarter, once again, is indicated for DIRECTIONAL CHANGE, PANIC and HIGH VOLATILITY. If you have studied our ” Economic Confidence Model” you will […]

Constantine II (337-340AD)

Flavius Claudius Constantinus was the eldest son of Constantine I the Great and Fausta. Constantine II was born in 314 AD and was given the rank of Caesar in 317 AD when he was obviously very young. Nonetheless, Constantine II appears to have inherited at least his father’s ambitions. By the age of eighteen, Constantine II had already distinguished himself militarily in a campaign against the Goths.

Following the death of his father, Constantine II was perhaps the main instigator in what has become known as the “palace massacre” during which most family members born of his step-grandmother Theodora were murdered. Few were spared and those were only due to their extremely young age, particularly the future Emperor Julian II.

Constantine II thus inherited Spain, Gaul, and Britain as his portion of the Empire in 337 AD. However, Constantine II was not happy with his share and soon invaded the territory ruled by his younger brother, Constans. Constantine II crossed the Alps and invaded Italy in 340 AD. He was killed in an ambush near Aquileia.

Generally VF to XF

ECM March 14th, 2022

This is a report on the world events that correlated with this turning point on the Economic Confidence Model which interestingly appears to have been closely aligned with the fateful Ides of March which marked the assassination of Julius Caesar that curiously also set in motion a civil war and the birth of the Imperial era of Rome which was complete 17.2 years later.

Here we have reviewed the entire world to see what the future holds. You will find the Yearly Arrays so we have an idea of what the computer is projecting for Europe, the Americas, and Asia.

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2021 World Economic Conference – Pawn of Finance (full-length VOD)

The Monetary Crisis Cycle has arrived. We now face the risk of BOTH deflation and inflation, SIMULTANEOUSLY, Food Shortages, an Energy Crisis, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. So what is the future of the markets? Why has gold declined in the face of talks of a $3.5 trillion spending spree? Will the Dow continue to rise, and if so, why?

The implications of FATF upon the global markets and capital flows will only increase as we head into the years ahead. How will this impact the investment in the world ahead? It has impacted gold, but cryptocurrencies are now in their targeting objective.

This event covers some of the significant changes in the world economy and forecasts into 2022, including a glimpse into cryptocurrencies and the fate of the Greenback in this world of absolute chaos. 


The Great Reset 2021

While many have desperately tried to call the Great Reset a conspiracy theory like the New York Times, that term was created and has been marketed by Kaus Schwab's World Economic Forum. Today, it seems whatever they try to label conspiracy theory is becoming a label of truth and censorship. This scheme has been marketed as the solution for the future claiming the people want equality (Communism) when in fact it has been just propaganda intended to cover up the fact that after issuing debt with no intention of ever repaying that debt since 1945, the decades of fiscal mismanagement is coming to a crisis point. When they say you will own nothing and be happy, all they are doing is trying to make you feel that they are doing this for you - not for themselves. This report looks more closely at the objectives behind this Great Reset that everyone should know.


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“Manipulating the World Economy” Book

The economic theories that dominated the field during the 20th century have failed us and empowered government to believe they can manipulate the business cycle. Every economic theory presented post-Marxism has assumed that the complexity of the business cycle can be reduced to a single cause and effect. To date, no attempt to manipulate the cycle has prevented a recession or financial crisis. We now face a truly monumental crisis. Central banks around the world are trapped. Their attempt to stimulate the economy through Quantitative Easing and rate manipulation has disastrously failed.

The central banks have primarily purchased government debt, effectively keeping governments on life support by allowing them to issue new debt at substantially lower rates. In addition to catastrophic Quantitative Easing policies, political fiscal spending on various programs and agencies has burdened governments with a debt that they can never repay. The future crisis is one created by government. This time, we are not likely to fix the problem without major political reform, which all governments will resist. These policies have led many to assume that government can freely create money without inflation. After creating trillions of dollars to buy government debt with no appreciable inflation, many conclude that everything has changed.

They are calling this the Modern Monetary Theory. If they are correct, then why bother to have taxes or borrow money continuously with no intention of paying off national debts? Governments, in modern theory, can simply create an endless supply of money to create a new modern version of Utopia. Can we throw away all economic history for an experiment that could unravel civilization if the theory proves to be wrong? What are the risks? Can it really be that easy? Are there any examples from the past that we can look to for answers?

Canada Into 2022

The 2021 Canadian Report is now available. We have gone into the clever change in the law that Trudeau pulled off to allow him to cancel the currency at his discretion as of January 1, 2021. He did withdraw the legal tender status of various notes that are still out there. You can take them to the bank and deposit them in your account, but stripping them of legal tender status means nobody else is now required to honor that currency.
We have covered the political chaos, the debt, the separatist movements, energy, the agricultural crisis, the share market, the Canadian dollar, and gold in terms of Canadian dollars rather than in US dollars with arrays and reversals.

During these volatile times, explore the fate of Canada going into 2022 based on Martin Armstrong’s data-driven models. This report begins by discussing the political atmosphere influencing Canadian policies both domestically and internationally. Explore the future of energy as well as the outlook for crude oil, the Toronto Stock Exchange, Canadian dollar futures, and gold in terms of the Canadian dollar.