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PRIVATE BLOG – Covid New Strains, Market Chaos & Barr Stabs Trump in Back

PRIVATE BLOG – Covid New Strains, Market Chaos & Barr Stabs Trump in Back Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Trump filed in Supreme Court Today – Triumph of Hope over Experience?

The Trump campaign has filed an emergency motion in the Supreme Court on Sunday to reverse Pennsylvania’s state court rulings that “illegally changed” the state’s mail balloting laws. Therefore, they seek to send the selection of the electors for Pennsylvania to the legislature who has the legal authority to appoint new presidential electors. They asked […]

Trump should Pardon Edward Snowden

Trump should issue presidential pardons to Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Elizabeth Manning. He should also grant pardons to his entire family because the Democrats have already vowed to go after Trump himself. Trump has granted only 29 pardons and 16 commutations during his term of office. The Democrats will seek to prosecute Trump […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Executive Order by Friday

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Executive Order by Friday Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Trump said Twitter Has Become a National Security Threat

  Others have been writing in that they have now censored Pat Buchanan as well. It seems that anyone who they dislike is being censored. President Trump has come out against Twitter saying their censoring of Republican lawmakers is now creating a matter of national security. He has ample grounds to arrest Dorsey – NOW! […]

I do Not Think Trump will Win

COMMENT: You only support Trump. Get back to reality. GA   REPLY: Your hatred for Trump will be your undoing. I do NOT believe Trump will reverse the election. This election has been so corrupt it will go down in history. But Trump will never be able to prove that in time. Mark Zuckerberg and […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Has Trump Lost & Biden Will Take the White House?

PRIVATE BLOG – Has Trump Lost & Biden Will Take the White House? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Proved the Economic Solution was Lower Taxes

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Proved the Economic Solution was Lower Taxes Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Can Trump Win in the House?

  The strategy of Trump is actually to deny Joe Biden getting 270 votes. This is why he is challenging in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, and Arizona. Stopping Biden from getting 270 out of 538 votes would then send the election into the House. Yes, Pelosi rules there. However, it is up to the state […]

Democrats Claim Mandate to Alter the Economy & 3 Whistleblowers from Software Company Allege they stole 38 million votes from Trump

Nancy Pelosi claims that Biden’s victory gives the Democrats a “MANDATE” to alter the economy as they see fit with just 50.5% of the popular if that. This proves that Biden will NOT represent everyone – only the left! I have warned that this has been their agenda from day one. Now, three whistleblowers from […]