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China a Different Breed of Government

QUESTION: Why do you say China will replace the West when their government is still the communist party? ANSWER: China is no more communist than Donald Trump. There is a cycle of life through which we all pass including governments. China revolted against communism. The government may retain that name, but they are no communist […]

China – A Different Central Bank Altogether

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe you once said at your conference that you were surprised when you were asked to fly to Beijing to meet with the central bank because you were not an academic, but a trader. I think you said when you got there they were traders working in the bank, not academics. […]

China & The Rule of Law

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your analysis of Country Risk. It was truly fascinating. You are correct. We do not consider investing in Syria or Iran no less North Korea because they are not safe places to do business. That is clearly the first decision which shuts down any further consideration. So I must ask. […]

China to Open Bond Market to Foreign Investors

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; it is becoming obvious that China follows your advice to the last letter. That makes sense when you were the western adviser they flew in to Beijing during the 1997 crisis. You told them to bypass the primary dealers and demand to buy US debt directly and they did within 30 days. […]

People’s Bank of China Moves Against Shorts

It was only last week that the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) was rumoured to be competing in the currency market, which was coincidentally followed by a Moody’s downgrade. The action demonstrated signs that positions have been cut at a loss for anyone who attempted to short the Yuan. The O/N (overnight) and T/N (Tom-next) rates ballooned today which makes […]

China CIPS v Western SWIFT System

COMMENT: Marty; Some people are trying to claim that China in bypassing the Swift System, they are undermining the dollar. The latest absurd statement is that Japan will bypass the dollar and SWIFT System to transact using China’s CIPS system in inter-bank settlement. I really had to laugh at how ignorant this statement is for it […]

China Looking to Regulate Gold & Bitcoin

China has called all Bitcoin exchanges to a closed door meeting looking to shut down the flight of capital from China. China is looking to deal with the expected trade confrontation with Trump and looking to shut down the flow of capital that has been putting a downward pressure on their currency. We can see […]

China Steps in Against Bitcoin

The Chinese government has been strengthening requirements for citizens by converting their yuan. With Trump coming into office, China fears that lower values for the yuan will turn into a trade war even if the government is not actively trying to depreciate the yuan for trade. Conversions of yuan are already subject to a quota or […]

Romans Landed in America and Sent Ambassadors to China

History is being rewritten all the time for the timeline of the past is far from definitive. Ancient Roman Coins issued under Constantine I the Great have been excavated from the ruins of a castle in Uruma, located in Okinawa Prefecture., This is the first such discovery made in Japan of Roman coins. Four copper coins […]

SDR – China – Dollar

COMMENT: You are wrong. The SDR will destroy the dollar as of October 1st when they include China. You will see. China will sell all its US Treasurys and buy SDRs. REPLY: Your very statement is totally absurd. The SDR is calculated simply by a basket of currencies including the dollar, yen, pound, and euro […]