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Central Bankers & Politicians – Its Time for a Change

COMMENT: It was great seeing you here in Europe. It was even more interesting to see how the central banks are starting to use the ECM rather than wait six to nine months before acting. Back in 2007, your model turned in February, but the Fed Funds Rate did not drop to 3% until one […]

Insurance Companies Planning for Climate Lockdowns

Some insurance companies are altering their policies for corporations and business interruptions, which seems to be in anticipation of government lockdowns for climate change under the label “weather events.” The government seems to be preparing for new lockdowns under the pretense of climate change this summer.  It appears that they are preparing to restrict travel […]

32 Climate Hoaxes that are now Supporting for WWIII

Did we get enough of them to save the planet? I am not kidding. There are now Climate Zealots who are eager to bring about World War III as the means to save the planet by eliminating 50%+ of the world population. This is why all our world leaders are promoting war, and the NEOCONS […]

EU Proposes New Climate Target for 2040

The European Union is leading the climate change psyop and releasing recommendations that are completely unattainable and unnecessary. Brussels would now like to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an astonishing 90% by 2040. “Setting a 2040 climate target will help European industry, investors, citizens and governments to make decisions in this decade that will keep […]

Climate Crowd Coming for Cooling Appliances

Davos man John Kerry is continuing to “pledge” for stricter regulations on behalf of the people after the United Nations climate change summit (COP28). He already committed $3 billion to eliminating coal and believes emissions could be slashed by 68% come 2050. Now, John Kerry is out to eliminate the energy we use to cool […]

The American Climate Corps

Joe Biden has created a workforce initiative called the American Climate Corps who will be responsible for carrying out the climate change agenda. The program promises “good-paying” jobs “aligned with high-quality employment opportunities after they complete their paid training or service program.” Over 20,000 youth will have an opportunity to apply within the first year. […]

Ramaswamy & Climate

40 years ago they told us an ice age was imminent. Now they tell us that the climate warming is an existential threat to humanity. Which is it? Neither. It’s really about dominion, control and punishing the West. — Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) August 10, 2023 Journalists just read from the cue cards. There are […]

Schwab’s Daughter Confirms COVID was a Precursor to Climate Lockdowns

Nicole Schwab, the offspring of World Economic Forum mastermind Klaus Schwab, admitted that COVID was simply a precursor for coming climate lockdowns. In the leaked video above from a June 2020 panel discussion in Switzerland, Nicole comments that COVID proved the world could strongly shift once people felt an extreme threat to their livelihoods. She […]

Spain’s Climate Minister Caught Faking Bike Transit for Cameras

The above video is complete climate propaganda. The climate zealots are laughing at us from their private jets. They swear doomsday is around the corner and the commoners must abandon all basic comforts to save the world. Their predictions have never come to fruition because they are based on nonsense. Spanish climate minister Teresa Ribera […]

The Most Expensive Climate Initiative in US History

  Five years ago today, Greta’s handlers announced that the world would end on this precise date. All of humanity would be wiped out entirely. Yet, here we are. Climate change has become the ultimate tool for governments to funnel money. Biden announced on Monday that the US will spend nearly $600 million on climate […]