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The Euro vs. Dollar — Feb. 9, 2016

The euro is still in a position to rally. The general view right now is that the Fed will not raise rates. With the stock market heading lower, this prevailing view of the Fed with respect to rates should dominate and provide a bid for the euro just yet.

Euro Crisis & the Dollar

  We are finishing up the world currency reports. The reports are not ready at this time, but we will make an announcement once they are available. As we stated at the conferences, nothing appears ready to break before May. Nevertheless, the crazy period ahead appears to be the 2017-2020 time frame. The euro held […]

China Shuts Down FOREX at Foreign Banks to Try to Stop Dollar Rise

China has suspended FOREX business at three main foreign banks for the first quarter of 2016 in an effort to curb the outflow of capital into the rising dollar. This is an interesting attempt to curb the rise in the dollar and it is clearly showing the overall trend in motion. It is interesting that China […]

Why is a Strong Dollar Bearish for the U.S. Economy Long-Term?

QUESTION: Martin, I’m curious to your comment “The greatest danger to America will be a strong dollar”.   Why is that?    I’m trying to take a global view of this statement but I can’t wrap my head around it.   It would seem that those in the United States would benefit  greatly from a stronger US dollar as the […]

Gold & the Dollar Surge

A ton of emails are flooding in asking what to do with gold since it made new lows after yet another false rally. I appreciate all the people who have been hurt by the goldbugs. Just remember, what goes up MUST come down. Even if gold reached the $5,000 level, it may do so for […]

Gold, Geopolitics, & the Dollar

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for you blog and your informed perspective on world markets. I’ve owned gold and silver bullion for about 10 years and since 2011 they have behaved much differently. Normally they would spike on geopolitical catastrophes but now they quickly hit a ceiling and collapse on such news. The prices rise in […]

Origin of Dollar Sign

Apparently, there is some new conspiracy theory running around that claims that the dollar sign ($) is some sort of symbol for a secret banking cartel because “S” is not found in the word “dollar”. Sorry, it seems that these people are desperate to create some support for whatever it is they are trying to […]

What Is the Strength of the Dollar? Its People, Military, or Commodities?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, so many of these goldbugs really hate the dollar and they argue that since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, the dollar’s strength has been maintained by a U.S. military that has enforced the petroleum-based dollar for world trade. This seems to be way off the mark for it is the US […]

The Dollar

  A Special Report on “The Dollar” and the outlook for the world Monetary System is being prepared for the World Economic Conference for attendees. We will be sending copies of materials out starting next week to those attending.

The Euro and Why the Dollar Will Not Be Dethroned

In the Eurozone, Mario Draghi has announced that his quantitative easing has failed to produce inflation as everyone assumed. After nine months of buying various government debt, the economy is still contracting and their inflated inflation numbers are coming in at .01%. Draghi has announced that they will now buy 33% of government debt issues, […]