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Cuomo Exemplifies the Downfall of the United States

COMMENT: Marty, you haven’t mentioned Cuomo. Any particular reason? GJ ANSWER: No. It is just another example of how everything has simply collapsed. If he were a Republican and his secretary accused him of sexual harassment, he would have been charged and hauled into court. Because he is a Democrat, he gets to walk on […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow a February high? & Bitcoin Update

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow a February high? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Governments are Creating Horror Scenarios for Lockdowns to Retain Power

Magdalena Martullo-Blocher: “The federal government has introduced a dictatorship. He switched off democracy » The entrepreneur Magdalena Martullo-Blocher, a Swiss billionaire, businesswoman, Swiss People’s Party politician, the CEO of Ems-Chemie, and the daughter and an heiress of former Swiss Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher has come out and called for an end to the partial lockdown in Switzerland. The […]

PRIVATE BLOG –The Dow into the Week of Feb 8th

PRIVATE BLOG –The Dow into the Week of Feb 8th Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The Devastation of Lockdowns – Freedom is now a Luxury

When we look at 2020, it will be a year most prefer to forget. Overall, productivity decreased 4.8% in Q4 2020 while unit labor costs increase sharply by 6.8% (annual rates) which is fulfilling what Socrates has been forecasting that this wave into 2024 will be inflationary. The December 2020 jobless rate was up over […]

Merkel’s Plea for Extended Lockdowns

Our sources in Germany are all telling us that instead of boosting support for lockdowns, now that Merkel has come on the airwaves and attached her face for the first time, her support is dwindling rapidly. She grew up in East Germany and this said: “For someone like myself, for whom freedom of travel and […]

PRIVATE BLOG – GameStop & Build Back Better – Dow

PRIVATE BLOG – GameStop & Build Back Better Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Democrats to Tear Down the Supreme Court?

  There is no question that the Democrats feel like they have to change everything. Stacking the Supreme Court was attempted by Roosevelt in 1937 and he lost. I have shown that it really does not matter who appoints the justices. Chief Justice Roberts was appointed by Republicans and he upheld Obamacare. The examples are […]

Is a Total Lockdown Coming to the USA?

  After a year of lockdowns and the destruction of jobs on a wholesale basis, Bill Gates wrote that we have not done enough. CO2 did not decline to demonstrate that this entire exercise to use a virus as the excuse to crush the economy to “BUILD BACK BETTER” has failed. Like some medieval doctor […]

Will Biden Lockdown the Country in February?

  We have to face reality. Joe Biden may not really be in charge as was the case with Bush Jr. His advisers are already laying out how to pay for a “brief” lockdown of 6 weeks. This agenda of locking the world down came from the climate activists spearheaded by Bill Gates through the […]