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Hillary’s Bad Week

Crooked Hillary, as she is starting be known as even behind the curtain, is really helping Trump because many Republicans who did not like Trump see her as just outright evil. Hillary is now falling behind Trump in national opinion polls. She is so out-of-touch that her age group may want to see a woman in the […]

Inspector General Hangs Hillary Out to Dry

There is a very curious dynamic going on here. It is well known that there is animosity between the Clintons and Obama. Obama would easily order everyone to stand down with investigations and reports with respect to Hillary, but he has not. Now the Inspector General has delivered a scathing report on Hillary (see report; oig-report). The long-awaited […]

Hillary Doesn’t Get It

  There is no question that Hillary is playing the “woman card.” Hillary Clinton will join the all-female cast of “Ghostbusters,” playing that women card to the hilt. Hollywood is the Mecca for liberal females and Democrats who worship a dogma before the big white “Hollywood” sign. They are just as terrible as the mainstream media […]

Trump leading Hillary – Getting Interesting

The latest poll now places Trump ahead of Hillary 45 to 42. The storm continues to brew in the Democratic Party and our models show there should be a Republican victory. The Democrats appear to be going with Hillary who has over a 50% rating as being dishonest. On top of that, she is simply […]

Hillary & the Panama Papers

There is little doubt that Hillary is one step away from being implicated in the Panama Papers in the same manner as Putin. Why has the press not put Hillary in the headlines? I think we all know the answer to that; they have already crowned her president. The lack of integrity to treat Hillary […]

What the Press is Not Talking About Bernie Beating Hillary

Bernie beat Hillary in Indiana. They are focusing on Trump beating Cruz, ignoring that Bernie beat Hillary. What this is revealing is that people are angry at government. Bernie and Trump have a lot more in common. In Spain, the king had to dissolve Parliament because the politicians could not win a majority or form […]

Obama Takes Swipe at Hillary & Goldman Sachs

No, I did not attend this year’s correspondents dinner. I’ve been very busy programming. Nevertheless, Obama took a swipe at Trump as expected, but he also took a swipe at Hillary. “You’ve got to admit it though, Hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for Facebook. ‘Dear […]

Looking more like Trump v Hillary

Donald Trump absolutely crushed Cruz after taking all five states including Pennsylvania and Maryland. Hillary Clinton won Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, but Bernie may walk away with two states. The fact that Trump and Bernie are there shows that the public is really fed up with politics as it stands. It is looking more and […]

The Bankers Will Back Hillary Against Trump

The bankers will be backing Hillary with unlimited money. If Trump becomes the nominee, you will see a major effort to put Hillary in the White House. If the bankers do not own the White House, they will be at serious risk between 2017-2020. Right now, they have been hit with big fines for clipping […]

Obama refuses to Prosecute Hillary to Help Democrats

The reason we seriously need a new Constitutional Convention is because the current one has been reduced to a scrap paper. President Obama’s outrageous suggestion that mishandling classified documents in the case of Hillary Clinton is not necessarily a criminal offense only serves to illustrate that this is purely politics. Hillary belongs in jail and […]