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Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax – How to Destroy the United States in Less than 10 years

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been reading your blog for years now. It is obvious that you are well connected behind the curtain. It did not take but perhaps a day or two after you explain the difference between wealth and income to suddenly see Elizabeth Warren adopting the position to impose a wealth tax […]

Forecasting & Political Correctness

COMMENT: Good day; The great public pension fraud here in Ontario, Canada allowed the public service unions to endorse Liberal candidates who would give them their 3% raises every contract. This gave them an 18% head start (the number of public sector employees) to win an election that only required 34% to gain power. The percentage […]

Why Does the Fed Need to Raise Rates?

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong I would like first to thank u for all the good information u give to us i have just a question : why do u write the fed need to increase rates to save the us pensionneers Not realy clear for me ( and maybe a lot of people) Thanks again […]

Romania BET Crashes over EU Austerity Tax Increases

I have been warning that raising taxes is DEFLATIONARY because you are reducing the net disposable income. Governments simply cannot get that through their head. In Romania where protests over political corruption have been unfolding, the government revealed its plan to try to comply with EU austerity raising they hope 10 billion lei ($2.5 billion US) […]

The Central Bank War – Nobody Notices

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: I have watched in amazement how you connect all these elements. Everyone I spoke to agreed this was your best WEC ever. You have said the Fed needed to raise rates because of the pension crisis and it would have nothing to do with inflation but it has to normalize rates to help […]

Threats of Violence Against Candidates Rising

I have been warning that the one thing our computer is projecting on all election fronts around the world is that we will see rising violence and we should expect that voting will be rigged. Canada has already put out a warning that they are witnessing threats of violence against candidates as reported in the National Post. […]

Why are Robots Changing the Future?

QUESTION: Do you think that robots will eliminate a lot of jobs in the future? EH ANSWER: Yes. But you have to understand WHY are we even turning to robots. The answer to that question is TAXES & SOCIALISM! The bottom line is rather blunt. Any routine job that can be replaced by allowing the consumer […]

The Great Alignment on Schedule

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I’ve been revisiting your notes over and over, and it seems that the potential for a False Move is finally in the making, both in the Dow, Gold, Dollar, etc. You gave 2018 and 2020 as the key turning points for this to unfold, for the trading trap to suck people in, before […]

The Misconception of Central Banks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was at the Treasury Management Association of Canada (TMAC) conference in Vancouver when you appeared as a speaker as well as Peter Detallis of the Bank of Canada if I remember his name correctly. I was there at the cocktail party when the Finance Minister of Nova Scotia said you diminished the […]

Making Sense of The Federal Reserve

  I was giving a lecture in Toronto to our institutional clients years ago and the central bank of Canada came with ten people. It was an interesting session because the audience began to ask me questions about what the central banks were looking at to make their decisions. I would answer and then the […]