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Market Talk – September 28, 2020

ASIA: Profits at China’s industrial firms grew for the fourth straight month in August, buoyed in part by a rebound in commodities prices and equipment manufacturing, the statistics bureau said on Sunday. Industrial firm profits grew 19.1% year-on-year in August to 612.81 billion yuan ($89.8 billion), the statistics bureau said. However, industrial firms’ profits still […]

Youth Against Parents

On YouTube COMMENT: Hi Martin and Team, I have been following your blog daily ever since The Forecaster was broadcast ed in the Netherlands about five years ago. I have good news! Talking with my daughter of 20 years old tonight she told me she was aware of the 7 year count down to the […]

Appointees to the Supreme Court Are Not Required to Appear Before the Judiciary Committee under the Constitution

    We now have this nonsense put forth by Schumer that McConnel is destroying the institution of the Senate by appointing a justice to the Supreme Court before the election. He is calling McConnel’s, equally absurd argument he made when Justice Antonin Scalia died in February of 2016 nine months before the election. McConnel argued […]

Capital Flows Will Be the Key

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, If this “Great Reset” movement pushes gold underground, what kind of a future do we really have? HR ANSWER: On election night, Trump should win. However, the real question will be the mail-in ballots, and are they legitimate. As I have said, it really does not matter who wins from the perspective […]

London Police Attack COVID Protestors on Saturday 9/26/2020

  Once again, the London police continue to support the government and attacked peaceful protestors in Trafalgar Square. No matter what the evidence, the government is maintaining these Draconian lockdowns. We can see that the protest was peaceful until the police showed up to brutally abuse the rights of the people that will suppress their […]

The Ultimate Hypocrisy – Democrats Against Women with Families & Catholic?

  On the one hand, the Democrats are trying to get the Catholic vote arguing that Biden is only the second Catholic to be President after JFK. But then, they oppose Amy Coney Barrett because she is a Catholic and was a professor at Notre Dame Law School before her confirmation to the federal bench. […]

The Masks – A Symbol of the Real Agenda

  I have spent decades in Asia, and people who were sick wore masks as a matter of courtesy. Masks were not worn by people to prevent getting sick because they do not work that way. When I went to the ER and they threw me into a COVID wing, I told them I did […]

Market Talk – September 25, 2020

ASIA: Major carmakers are suing the US government over import taxes it has imposed on Chinese parts. Tesla is the latest auto firm to object to customs duties introduced by the Trump administration and is demanding refunds. The US and China have imposed border taxes on each other’s goods and services as part of a […]

COVID-19 Tearing Families Apart

COMMENT: Mart, this is tearing my family apart. I can no longer even speak to my son. He is against Trump simply because he does not like him personally or his tweets. I try to explain this should not turn on those issues. This is a war for your future. My son will not listen […]

The 2020 Election – Buckel Up for the Most Corrupt & Violent Election in History

Already, the FBI has recovered ballots for Trump that were discarded in Pennsylvania. They can even attribute some to specific people voting. The Republicans are already appealing Pennsylvania which is demonstrating how the Democrats are planning to try to win the election by fraud. Besides already being caught throwing away mail-in ballots for Trump, Pennsylvania […]