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The Great Reset – The Final Battle Against Marxists

The rising civil unrest is starting to take notice of Bill Gates and his consortium hell-bent on changing the world economy. They have used the coronavirus as a ploy to shut down the world economy all for their Climate Change Agenda. There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that points to Fauci funding the creation […]

Market Talk – June 17, 2020

ASIA: India has conveyed to China the fact that the deadly clash in eastern Ladakh on Monday night will have “a serious impact” on relations between the two countries. Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar shared this with his counterpart in Beijing in a phone conversation today. Both sides agreed not to take “any action to escalate […]

Market Talk – June 16, 2020

ASIA: Beijing has reported 106 new infections in the last five days. The city raised its alert level from Level 3 to Level 2 — the highest alert being Level 1 — the Beijing government’s Deputy Secretary Chen Bei announced in a press conference Tuesday night. Fearing the possibility of another outbreak, Beijing has imposed […]

Market Talk – June 15, 2020

ASIA: Beijing is reintroducing strict lockdown measures and rolling out mass testing after a fresh cluster of novel coronavirus cases emerged from the city’s largest wholesale food market, sparking fears of a resurgence of the deadly outbreak. The Chinese capital reported 36 new Covid-19 cases on Monday, bringing the total number to 79 since a […]

Market Talk – June 12, 2020

ASIA: Twitter has removed more than 170,000 accounts from its platform after the social media site found state-linked influence campaigns from China focusing on Hong Kong protests, Covid-19, and the US protests in relation to George Floyd. The company announced on Thursday that 23,750 core accounts, and 150,000 “amplifier” accounts that boosted the content posted […]

Hong Kong & Sanctions

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Hong Kong is the source for US dollars for China. If Trump imposes serious sanctions, this would actually lead to a shortage of dollars in Asia. What do you see as a possibility in the middle of this madness? HJ ANSWER: The actual composition of the sanction from the United States remains […]

Market Talk – June 11, 2020

ASIA: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that he would not be intimidated or give into coercion when asked on Thursday whether Australia would keep taking hits on exports from major trading partner China. “We are an open-trading nation, mate, but I’m never going to trade our values in response to coercion from wherever it […]

Imperial College Should Be Defunded for Their Fake Research

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, These corrupt idiots at Imperial released another report in which they claim the lockdowns they advocated saved 3.1 million lives in Europe. How can they even claim this nonsense with all the proof out there about their former BS-report. It would be interesting to know who paid the bill for this study. […]

Market Talk – June 10, 2020

ASIA: China has been accused by Brussels of running disinformation campaigns inside the European Union, as the bloc set out a plan to tackle a “huge wave” of false facts about the coronavirus pandemic. The European Commission said Russia and China were running “targeted influence operations and disinformation campaigns in the EU, its neighborhood, and […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2020

ASIA: China is warning its students to reconsider plans to study in Australia due to an increase in racist attacks as it steps up a campaign to punish Australia economically for supporting an international probe into coronavirus. The travel warning on Tuesday follows last week’s advice for Chinese tourists to stay away from Australia and […]