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Democrats in Civil War Against Obama’s OFA?

Of course the brainwashed Democrats send in emails saying Obama is not behind the shenanigans of civil unrest. They just prefer to blame everyone but themselves and live in their little bubble world. They are totally unaware that the Democrats are themselves experiencing an internal civil war and it is the state level Democrats that […]

The Total Lack of Common Sense

QUESTION: Martin – Given your compelling elucidation of the business cycle (which remains ineluctable even with central bank and regulatory distortion of money and markets), the avg annual return targets set by pension and retirement plans seems absurd. CalPERS had an annual bogey of 8% to meet via its active management. Even in a rapidly-growing economy […]

The Left is Intentionally Creating a Coordinated Revolution

The left is intentionally fighting to remain relevant. I have written before how there is a global coordination among the left to rule the world and I am NOT one of those people who spout out conspiracy theories. This is no BS and certainly no joke or made up fiction. I was in London when […]

NOAA Continues to Try to Justify Its Criminal Activity

The NOAA is now claiming that independent studies confirm they are right and that global warming is real. The claim only reveals once again how dishonest the NOAA is really acting. This new compilation of temperature records they say is etched into ice cores, old corals, and lake sediment layers, all reveals a pattern of […]

2017 World Economic Conferences

2017 World Economic Conferences Armstrong Economics invites you to join us at the 2017 World Economic Conferences! The 2017 World Economic Conference will be held both Hong Kong and Orlando, Florida. The Hong Kong event will take place May 20-21, 2017 following the French elections. Our important target this year is April/May so we are holding […]

Entertainment Industry is Leading Charge to Civil War

The constant protests by the Entertainment industry against Trump will not subside. There is only one way this is going to end and that is blood in the streets. The riots will only escalate and the left ALWAYS becomes violent. They would not even allow the education secretary to enter a school. The Grammy show […]

Scientists First Predicted Ice Age – Not Global Warming in 1971   Back in 1971, the theory that burning fossil fuels would create an ice age, not global warming. The Washington Post reported on July 9, 1971, that Dr. S. I. Rasool of NASA and Columbia University said that the fine dust from fossil fuel use would block out so much sunlight that the Earth’s “average temperature […]

Trump Should Launch a Criminal Investigation of the NOAA – NOW!

The NOAA has been putting out bogus studies that contradict by scientists at the United Nation who said there was a “pause” in global warming. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said there was no discernible warming since 2000 in its 2013 report. They wrote that global temperatures showed a “much smaller increasing linear […]

Market Talk – February 9, 2017

Asia was split today with the Nikkei not managing to move out of first gear – at least during the Asia session – but saw the Yen lose its haven status. The volatile Japanese data for Machinery Orders was released better than the 3.1% expected figure at +6.7% (against a previous -5.1%) did not really […]

Rome’s Flat Tax Created the Biggest Economic Boom in History

  In the earliest days of the Republic Rome’s taxes were quite modest, and were not direct, but were a property tax or a wealth tax on all forms of property, including land, houses, slaves, animals, money and personal effects. The basic rate was just 1% and sometimes it would occasionally rise to 3%. This was to fund the […]