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Manipulating the World

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong. I visited New York on business and after the market closed yesterday we went to a bar. I was shocked when the group at the next table of Wall Streeters were talking about you. The consensus was you were probably the greatest analyst that ever existed and how Bloomberg News will never […]

The Spies are Going Insane – Britain Taps into Fiber Cables into Germany

British intelligence GCHQ has spied on the Transatlantic fiber optic cable grabbing ALL German e-mails and phone calls. Just what the hell is going on in this world? This is like a jealous girl/boyfriend trying to make you account for every minute you are not with them. Enough is enough! Any politician who defends this […]

NY Times becoming Pro–Government?

Further evidence that the New York Press is bought and paid for is the disgusting obituary of the New York Times on Michael Hastings. The mere fact that the New York Times went out of its way to minimize Hasting’s contribution to stopping corruption in government calls into question his death because if there was a […]

German TV Exposes – Goldman Sachs – a bank ruling the world

Goldman Sachs – a bank ruling the world  The decline and fall of New York City as the financial capital of the world losing that distinction to London with Hong Kong nipping at its heal for 2nd place, the corruption within NYC is tainting the image of the United States right down to the Presidency. […]

NSA Saves the NY Stock Exchange – Everyone Rejoice!

National Security Agency (NSA) in defense of its surveillance programs seizing every phone call and email in the nation claims that it helped disrupt plots to bomb the New York Stock Exchange and the New York subway system, according to an FBI official told Congress on Tuesday. However, this does not seem to be creditable […]

The USA Knowingly Executes Innocent People

Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg (1915-1953) and Julius Rosenberg (1918–1953) were United States citizens convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage during a time of war, and were executed. They were charged with passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. However, in legal circles, it has always been known that Ethel was innocent and that […]

Sorry – Its Just Gibberish

QUESTION: The economist Robert Wiedemer, author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock, has forecasted that unemployment will rise to 50%, the stock market will crash by 90%, and the annual inflation will hit 100% starting in 2013. What is your view on this scenario? ANSWER: Gibberish. Pure insanity. This is the same thing as […]

O'Neil v. Vermont, 144 U.S. 323 (1892)

U.S. Supreme Court O’Neil v. Vermont, 144 U.S. 323 (1892) O’Neil v. Vermont No. 6 Argued January 20, 1892 Decided April 4, 1892 144 U.S. 323 ERROR TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF VERMONT Syllabus A complaint, in Vermont, before a justice of the peace, for selling intoxicating liquor without authority, was in […]

Snowden – Supreme Court held the Judge can sentence you for Acquitted Conduct Making Juries Irrelevant

Glenn Greenwald of Britain’s The Guardian newspaper said Edward Snowden chose the semi-autonomous Chinese region Hong Kong because it was the least bad option open to him. Greenwald said that Snowden wanted to remain out of the “clutches” of the U.S. government for as long as possible but is fully aware that he won’t succeed. Snowden […]

Congress wants Snowden’s Head – Not the NSA!

This is why we have to crash and burn. Congress is beyond hope be it Democrat or Republican – it is always them against the people. Congress wants to imprison if not kill Snowden for exposing their corruption not the NSA Transcript: Exclusive Interview With House Speaker John Boehner on NSA Leak, Immigration Reform And […]