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Real Estate

A reader wrote: “Martin’s latest post says real estate will rise, but a chart posted a week ago predicts dire things for real estate after 2015.  Which is it? Can you ask him please!” Real Estate is the most difficult to talk about because it is so diverse lacking a single market. My post saying […]

Why Pension Will Collapse

Shakespeare’s Polonius offered this classic advice to his son: “neither a borrower nor a lender be.” Ben Franklin commented on the subject of debt saying: “Rather go to bed supperless than rise in debt.” The politics of debt has always ruined the state. The celebrated British economist John Maynard Keynes said it like this: “If I […]

Two-Tier Monetary Systems & Local Alternative Currencies

Throughout history there has been countless two-tier monetary systems where at times there have been a local currency issued by the immediate government, yet the people rely upon the currency of another government. Such periods are interesting for they are not official but emerge by the people rather than through a decree of a government. […]

Moody Cuts UK Credit Rating

If anyone doubts we are in a serious Sovereign Debt Crisis, then explain why even the Credit Agencies are cutting the credit ratings of sovereign nations. There was France, and now there is the UK. Moody’s cuts the UK Credit Rating to Aa1 from Aaa, citing weakness in the nation’s medium-term growth outlook that it now […]

Thank You – There is More to Come – Currency Collapse?

“I think you’re a positive influence to many more then you think, and I know they hope you stay the course.  A lot of my friends read your work and appreciate it.  There’s always going to be haters, and who knows why and who can explain them??  I’ve observed my life that some people simply […]

Gold – Reality Check

The chaos in gold is typical. Already, the hate mail has begun. “Stop the Bullshit” one said because demand in Shanghai is at record highs.It takes far more than one country to make a bull market. Others just blame me for the decline because they just listen to those who always say buy. The New […]

Europe & Japan Going Down the Toilet

Question: “Europe along with Japan look like they are preparing to be flushed down the toilet,” would you anticipate their equity markets to be flushed down the toilet as well.  (Not necessarily a crash, but a very large correction). ANSWER: NO! This is part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. I was speaking politically ONLY – […]

How All Markets Move – Gold is NO Exception

Well, the hate mail has started regarding gold and as usual, I get all the arrows. Sorry, but gold is still a market. It rises and falls according to supply and demand and right now the market is overbought. When I was given a institutional conference in Tokyo, an individual bribed his way in. He […]

Capital Flows as Reported by Central Banks Can Be Distorted.

The numbers for Japan in December would imply on the surface that capital inflows took place rather than outflows yet the yen declined. There are serious problems with the way  governments track capital/trade flows. They do not actually monitor anything but cash movement. This is a throw back to the fixed exchange era when if […]

Gold, Dollar & the Dow

The questions about gold v the Dow seem to be relentless. Here seems to be the number one question people ask. “Are you saying Gold & the Dollar and Dow can rise together?” Most of the nonsense about gold are sales pitches designed to convince people to buy. They far too often are not well […]