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The Long Depression – the First Great Depression

What actually constitutes the Long Depression has been debatable, for at first it was called the Great Depression, and then that title was transferred to the 1930s. Consequently, some limit the term Long Depression to the worldwide price recession beginning in 1873 and running through the spring of 1879. Six years is not exactly a “long” depression, that in […]

IMF Says Greek Debt Should be Foregiven

Even the IMF has come out now to warn that Greece may need a complete debt write-off. This is sending an economic earthquake through Europe, for it undermines the political position of Merkel entirely. There is no doubt about this: Greece cannot pay and cannot raise taxes while simultaneously having any viable economy. This is […]

The Misconception of Deflation vs. Inflation

Some people have a very hard time understanding that we are in a massive deflationary spiral; they think that rising prices simply means it is inflation and not deflation. They only see prices, not disposable income, and certainly not economic growth and unemployment. Prices rose sharply following the OPEC oil price hikes, but the sharp […]

The Sixth Wave 2032.95

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Will you be going over the Sixth Wave this year at the WEC? What you just posted about the  Maunder Minimum is very interesting to say the least. ANSWER: Yes. This is the primary driving force behind the 309.6-year cycle. At this level, what becomes the major influence has been the Solar […]

Greece – Selling Out to the Establishment

Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece, has sold his country out to the failed ideas of the euro. There is no possible way for this deal to work for it will bring only more austerity to Greece that will continue to grind its economy to a halt. Raising taxes will not create jobs and it […]

Is Copper the New Gold?

Electric cars are rapidly entering the market. This is causing more than just a decline in the demand for oil. The i8 BMW is a hybrid that still has a combustion engine in the back and an electric in the front. This car gets 78 miles to the gallon. It has a purely electric top […]

UK to Ban WhatsApp Messaging Service

The UK is ready to ban WhatsApp thanks to the Investigatory Powers Bill, also known as “Snoopers Charter”. This new act will allow the government to ban instant messaging apps that refuse to remove end-to-end encryption. The British want to peek at what everyone is doing for taxes. They already have signs all over stating they […]

Market Talk

The renewed compromised has, in the eyes of the market, already been accepted and everything is back to normal and all is forgotten! Well, that is certainly how the markets have reacted today after the new austerity news broke. Of course this too will fail as the economy turns down and these politicians, who always view […]

Real Estate – the Peak is Here

I reported that we sold my mother’s house in one week. I too follow our model. The bounce in real estate into 2015.75 seems to be unfolding on time. What will make the peak is a rise in taxes. You have Chicago looking to raise taxes by 30%. Even in Texas there are growing protests over tax increases everywhere […]

Jade Helm

A lot of emails have been coming in about Jade Helm, a highly secret and most controversial U.S. Special Operations exercise that created a flood of conspiracy theories about a government takeover. The Washington Post has reported that Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a spokesman for Army Special Operations Command, said his organization is “considering allowing a small number of journalists […]