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There is No Sanctity of Family Recognized by Law

COMMENT: Thank you. I never look at the fact that you need government approval to even get married. This shows indeed how much they have altered society. REPLY: The institution of marriage is only one aspect. People will rant about that, but they ignore the fact that under the law, we do not respect the sanctity […]

There is No “Right” to Marry

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I have practiced law for more than 30 years. You are correct in saying it changes with the whims of judges. That defeats the very idea that there is a law. Your analysis of the Supreme Court decision shows you are the most unbiased person in your reasoning of law I have […]

Supreme Court Upholds Same Sex Marriage

There is probably no other decision that could stir the fires in the Republican Party to further the SPLIT than this decision, despite the fact that it is legally correct. You cannot deny gays equal rights without surrendering your own, for that is how the law really works. If you say a black cannot vote, then that […]

Boehner, Mr. Government – Anti “We The People”

John Boehner is by far the most ruthless head of the Republican Party perhaps in history. He runs the Hill as Speaker in full dictator mode. The effort to actually punish Republicans, such as North Carolina’s Mark Meadows for voting against Boehner, is really unprecedented. Boehner previously retaliated and removed several people from chairmanships in any finance related […]

Clarifying Client Status

Three Terrorist Attacks Today in France, Kuwait, & Tunisia

The rise in extremism in the Middle East is becoming more widespread with the clash between Sunni (ISIS extremists) and the Shi’ite. In France, another shocking attack with a decapitated body covered in Arabic writing was found at an American gasoline company in the southeast after an assailant rammed a car into the premises. The […]

What We Cannot Say Publicly – Do We Hold Back?

QUESTION: Marty, everyone is starting to say there is a big crash coming now in October. I have attended your conference since the early 1990s. You always say the majority cannot be right. My question is this. Obviously, when I look closely they are not saying what you have been saying. There are differences. Even […]

World Economic Conference: Princeton (U.S.) SOLD OUT & Berlin is Still Open With Limited Availability

We are sorry, but this year’s World Economic Conference in Princeton has sold out. There are a few people who only paid the deposit and have not sent in the full payment as of yet. So if you would like to attend, we will add your name to a waiting list in case there are […]

Investment Advisors Will Be Criminally Prosecuted If They Fail to Report on Their Clients

I have warned that the final stage of collapse of every empire throughout history is when they divide society and turn everyone against their neighbor. Venice had the Mouth of Truth where people could drop slips in on anyone. The SEC is dividing and conquering society turning those registered into financial rats whom, if they […]

Time for a Change in Reasoning

I receive a lot of emails questioning how our forecasts can be so correct on everything, from gold and stocks, to politics and the economy. I have stated all along that EVERYTHING is connected. The reason people have been wrong on the metals, inflation, and debt is because they focus only on that one particular sector and […]