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Administrative Law Judge Confirm Corruption Inside CFTC Courts

There are those who may think I criticize the courts too much, or that the Administrative Legal System corruption may be a personal opinion. Now, even the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Administrative Law Judge, George Painter, recognized the corruption in his own court system. Painter sent a scolding letter announcing his retirement highlighting the […]

Judge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal After 81 Years

Well it has been a long time coming, but all along there have been discussions behind closed doors (never in public) that the Administrative Law Courts established with the New Deal were totally unfounded and unconstitutional. With the anniversary of Magna Carta and the right to a jury trial coming up on June 15 after […]

Market Talk

Interesting day all around… European bonds are weaker from the opening rumors of unwinding the yen carry trade as a result of the stronger JPY (on Abe’s comments) resulting in 10-year bund trading briefly above 1% and the U.S. 10-year note at 2.50%, but then retail appeared and the bounce continued throughout the day – […]

We Apologize For Delays – We Are Expanding Once Again

We are migrating the site once again. The content and traffic have grown beyond the capacity of the system to handle. We are working as hard as possible to improve the site in preparation for 2015.75.

Princeton World Economic Conference: Seating Reopened

We now have a headcount for the U.S. session of the World Economic Conference and those who have moved to the Berlin Session. This leaves less than about 50 seats available for the Princeton conference, which are being sold on a first come, first served basis.  

Debt Deals & Grexit

It is all show. Now, Merkel desperately wants to bring a signed bailout deal with Greece to secure the euro. Greece managed to raise nearly €3 billion at its debt auction at 2.97% but for six-month securities. While the Greek politicians were delighted, we are talking about six-month paper. Capital is not taking a long-term view […]

Bilderberg Meeting: June 11-14 in Austria

Here are the participants for the Bilderberg meeting over the weekend in Tirol, June 11-14. Bilderberg is named after a hotel chain where the first meeting took place  May 29-31, 1954, in Netherlands. As the G7 summit of the Seven Dwarfs closes, another opens. Thursday sees the start of the influential Bilderberg policy conference, which will be held […]

Obama Commits Treason

The Guardian’s Spencer Ackerman reported on Twitter that on June 2 at 6:03 pm Obama said he would sign a law banning bulk collection. June 2, 9:50 pm: DOJ asks secret court for 180 more days of bulk collection. When the Founders drafted the Constitution, they feared that Congress would dominate the government – not the executive. The […]

Global Warming: Weather Is the Newest CIA Weapon

The CIA loves to waste money, dreaming up schemes for fights that are just not real. They are listening to academics talk about global warming and are living in fear that perhaps Russia is manipulating the weather to create floods and droughts. There goes countless billions down the academic hole to create a top secret weather machine […]

Raising Tax Rates Reduces Tax Revenues

New security devices intend to stop robots by making the user answer a simple math equation, such as the sum of 3 + 5. While this may be beneficial, it most likely prevents politicians from entering your site since they know how to BS, write laws, but cannot do math. Increasing tax rates reduces tax […]