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NSA Surveillance – No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

The NSA is storing absolutely everything. Every time you type a search into Google, the NSA knows. This is what the storage in Utah is all about. If you would like to see our old site from 1999 just click here and enter There is an archive of the entire web year by year. […]

NY Judge Dismisses $1.7 Billion Lawsuit Against Bank of America

New York U.S. District Robert Sweet dismissed a lawsuit brought by two foreign banks against a US bank for $1.7 billion. Whatever you file in NYC against a US bank will be dismissed. That is just policy – the UNTOUCHABLES. So why do lawyers take money from clients when they know the game? Do not […]

Hammurabi Legal Code

  The Code of  Hammurabi 1795-1750 BC Claude Hermann Walter Johns: BABYLONIAN LAW–The Code of Hammurabi. from the Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910-1911 The material for the study of Babylonian law is singularly extensive without being exhaustive. The so-called “contracts,” including a great variety of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and, most important of […]

Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

The key problem on a global scale has been the sheer arrogance of government in the Western so called “democratic” regions. People are starting to wake up and realize that we do not live in a democracy but republics and we remain without a voice. Once these people take power, they stop all consultation with […]

Primary Dealers – the Truth About Their Iron Grip

QUESTION:  Martin, On Page A11 of the IBD today (5/29) a statement was made that seems to fit your claims.  It is something that having been in the business for 24 years I was unaware of.  The entire article is actually quite interesting. Please clarify the following, made in the 4th paragraph; …..BNP Paribas in […]

Keynes, John Maynard

John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946 John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who revolutionized economic thought, which is widely known as “Keynesianism.” The son of a Cambridge don, Keynes was educated at Eton and Cambridge, where his degree was in mathematics. John Maynard Keynes was educated at King’s College, Cambridge, from 1902–1906 and DID NOT have a […]

Understanding Cycles – the Two Extremes – Why We must Crash & Burn

Understanding that everything in nature moves in a cyclical manner is vital to comprehending the world around us. This is how energy moves. The waves in the ocean give the impression the water is moving when in fact if you throw a bottle that floats into the water you will notice that the bottle rises […]

The Untouchables & Politics Come 2016

The United States is being seen as just hopelessly corrupt and the next downturn in the economy is not merely going to come down on those in Congress always willing to write blank checks to bailout the bankers when Genius Fails as it always does in New York when it is really just bribing and […]

Hypocrisy of US Mainstream Press

President Obama has been the most aggressive in going after “leaks” that reveal how government lies to the people on one subject or another. His efforts to protect the government are disgraceful and if government was honest, well there wouldn’t be leaks. But the real issue that is a disgrace has been the […]

Roosevelt's Brains Trust

The Brains trust became a term applied to the so-called group of advisers to Franklin Roosevelt during his presidential administration. Roosevelt’s speechwriter and legal counsel Samuel Irving Rosenman (1896–1973) suggested having an academic team to advise Roosevelt in March 1932. This was really for show, for being such a member is rarely ever taken seriously by the politicians […]