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Bonds v Shares

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong As a long time reader I rarely see you mention the possible long term benefits of also holding corporate bonds. I understand the obvious down side to government bonds and the reason for stocks to move higher, but since bond holders get paid before stock holders when things go bad would […]

Currency v Language

QUESTION: Do language and currencies move in line with each other? Is language a leading indicator to currency i.e. Spanish in California. Will they create their own currency if they separate from the states? ANSWER: There is a direct link between currency and language. When I was doing interviews in Europe, I explained the euro would […]

Xi Jinping: “In 10 Years We Can Expect a New World Order”

President of China Xi Jinping made a statement last year that has sparked a number of comments over the past few months. Xi Jinping said: “The world is on the verge of radical change. We see that the European Union is gradually falling apart, how the US economy is crashing, and that all this will […]

The Famous Redwood Tunnel Tree Fell in California

The famous Redwood tree tunnel fell during one of California’s worst storms and caused massive flooding. I walked through this tree when I was a kid. I couldn’t find the family photo of that event, so you are spared this time. This flooding has been massive, but it is a typical precursor to big earthquakes. One theory […]

Global Warming – Opps – Ice Age – Hits Europe

Unfortunately, much of Europe is facing sever cold weather as temperatures plunged below zero with heavy snowfalls. Additionally, this is the worst coastal storms Europe has seen in a decade. Take a look at this chart. You will notice that this last warming cycle that has the lunatics calling this man-made global warming/climate change, was just […]

Bonds & Climate Change

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your Global Market Watch picked the high in bonds perfectly and called it a major high. I have to say, the system you have created monitoring everything is an incredible teaching tool. I can see what you are saying. There is a major global trend that politicians cannot alter and that is […]

Connecting the Dots

QUESTION: I find your explanation of how everything is connected very insightful. So events go nuts in Europe and that sends capital fleeing to America as in World War I and II. Am I correct in saying it is not possible to manage an economy in isolation? Thanks for making my mind work HW ANSWER: […]

From Spain

COMMENT: Hello Martin Armstrong!  🙂 Good Morning! I wanted to congratulate you for your interview on the TV show “out of coverage” on channel 4 (Spain) I love your web. And your work and dedication to confidential economic graphics. You are a genious! This reminds me of the following quotes: “Great spirits have always encountered […]

The Socrates Project

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; What you have forecast in so many different fields has been a remarkable achievement. It is now quite evident why the government has tried to stop you all these years. I thank God he gave you the strength to see this through. The stock market rising, gold consolidating, Trump and Brexit victories, […]

A Light Has Gone Off

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for you have been correct on every market demonstrating that everything is explicitly connected. What you have taught me is more than just trading a single market to make money. You have taught me how to see the world and connect the dots. I can see the […]