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Canada to Fingerprint Foreign Travelers

Canada will collect finger prints and digital photos from all foreigners traveling on a visa under a new security measure being introduced. The measure, which requires legislative approval and is expected to take effect in 2018 or 2019, but won’t include U.S. citizens or else Canadians would be retaliated against when traveling to the USA. Welcome […]

What To Do When Your Health Insurance is Cancelled?

Turkish Election Shows Political Change

Turkish elections have resulted in uncertainty, as the share market fell about 8%. President Tayyip Erdogan was hoping for greater power but the people had different ideas. On Sunday, the people dealt a serious blow when the AK Party failed to win an outright majority in a parliamentary election. There will now be a minority government […]

Obama Is Targeting Your Retirement Accounts

Presidential approval ratings show that Obama now enjoys the status of a lower approval rating than George W. Bush, and that is really saying something. Obama is clearly a Marxist. He buys into the problem that the people are saving too much, and is using this to entertain the idea of placing a cap on how […]

Summers Blames People Who Save

We are simply drowning with people in charge who have no real world experience. According to the former US Treasury Secretary and Harvard economist Larry Summers “the world suffers from a savings surplus and therefore threatens to fall into a secular stagnation.” He looks at the world through fogged glasses – not even a rose colored pair. […]

NERVA Countermarks on Roman Imperial Coinage (NCAPR)

Nerva (96-98AD) (NCAPR) Counterstamps on Roman Bronze Coinage The countermark on Roman Imperial bronze coinage NCAPR is most likely “Nerva Caesar Augustus Probavit”. This hypothesis is supported by the existence of this countermark found on coinage issued originally under Vespasian. What happened to a bronze coin after it was issued depended the economics of the era and the […]

Services & Pricing

We will soon release Phase One of Socrates this month as was demonstrated at the Solution Conference. Yes, it has taken longer than expected but we had to be sure the transition to the Web Access would work as seamlessly as possible. We will not be able to open up the ability to talk and […]

American Pharoah – First Triple Crown Winner Since 1978 on a 8.6 Frequency

Believe it or not, I was at a family gathering and overheard some relatives discussing the Triple Crown. They said no one had won since 1978. I did the wave math in my head, and replied that this year the horse will win. I do not follow horses. They just looked at me and asked, […]

“The Forecaster” in Germany

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I just flew from Germany this week on Lufthansa. Looking for movies in the movie section, I found the The Forecaster movie. To my surprise, it was listed under the Lufthansa recommended movie list! I was so pleased to be able to watch the production. Sad that I had to be in […]

The European Bond Crash

The turmoil in the European bond market has demonstrated that the theory interest rates will not rise and are in control of central banks is dead wrong. Despite the ECB’s policy to buy in government debt to inject cash into the markets, one would think that the bonds would have a firm floor of support. The […]