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What Type of Government Should We Strive For?

Some ask why I only criticize the left and not the right. As the Guardian wrote, the left is on the rise. There are 50 shades between left and right. If we are talking about the 1%, that is really small business, for that begins at $250,000 annual income. Everyone confuses the 1% with the “super-rich” who are […]

When Left Meets Right

QUESTION: Salve! I speek english very bad. I speek french very well :))…but I don’t know if you too speek french. So…my question is: what is for you “the left”? Cause in Europe, I think “right” is on his way to death and “left” remains the only way for the real people :)). Salut! Ma question, […]

Can Rates Rise with Deflation?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, How does the model’s call for deflation (earlier blog posts) fit in with the likely major cycle low in interest rates (per your recent posts)? Can there be general price deflation and yet interest rates increase significantly? ANSWER: Yes. Rates can soar to outrageous levels during the collapse of a system, which reflects […]

Why I Oppose George Soros Soros, I believe, is trying to do the same thing as Karl Marx. He is funding an experiment to alter society into what he thinks it should be. I believe in Adam Smith and the best way to help society is to rid it of people like Soros who think they have the right […]

Climate Change – the New Religious Cult

This is the picture that was used to start the global warming movement that man supposedly created. Of course, since the weather is not consistently warmer, they changed the term from “global warming” to “climate change.” They pointed to everything from pollution, cutting down trees, exhaust from cars and buses, and even attributed it to […]

Obama is Deliberately Trying to Upset the Election that never Ends

White House press secretary Josh Earnest has made constant repeated jabs at president-elect Trump and his team during press briefings. He even went as far to say this week that Trump knowingly benefited from Russian hacking into computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. Unbelievable! Let’s put this in perspective. If […]

Democrats Desperate to Steal Election from Trump at All Costs

I have never seen in my lifetime the deep hatred that is emerging in politics. Obama is clearly getting his CIA cronies to stir the pot claiming that Putin hacked the DNC to seek revenge on Hillary. But exposing the corruption inside the Democrats is not justification to overturn the election. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) daughter and Clinton […]

The History of Climate Change — Empires Fall When Warming Turns to Cooling

QUESTION:  Hi Martin I have a question I hope you can find time to answer. It appears we are heading into dark times with regards to the convergence of all of these cycles. We have government hunting every penny, we have civil war heating up between the left and right, we have revolution against government, […]

Football in Decline

Many are now blaming Colin Kaepernick for the sharp decline in American football ratings. Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem in the NFL preseason as a protest of the injustices against people of color because of Trump as if he has done something. Kaepernick has continued to protest in every game this season. Now, more than […]

The Power to Manipulate is a Delusion

QUESTION: Hello Martin, every day I read your blog. Today was about All Roads Lead to the Dollar and manipulation: First you say that the system cannot be manipulated: (“the system, which is crumbling before our eyes, cannot be manipulated. This is why BREXIT, Trump, and now Hollande in France are stepping out and Italy […]