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Tangible Assets Still Rising

Pablo Picasso’s iconic abstract 1955 painting “Les femmes d’Alger” sold for a record $179,365,000 at an auction Monday in New York, at Christie’s. All our sources behind the curtain are reporting the markets are awash with cash, so much so that on the short-term paper rates are going negative without the 2009 crisis. Yet, that is […]

Congress Argues They Can Use Insider Info to Trade Personally

In a brief to the courts, Congress argues that it violates the Separation of Powers for the SEC to investigate politicians for using inside information to personally profit in trading. The argument is really nonsense, for that would only apply to prevent an elected official to attend. He cannot be arrested on his way to the Hill […]

New York Justice System Exposed

Last night in Munich, lawyers in the audience debated when and if the collapse in the U.S. Justice System could happen in Germany. What the film is exposing is very important from a legal perspective. New York is starting to come under pressure because of the film, and I bet that there will be an […]


The reception in Europe has been stunning. In Dresden, I was even handed flowers. The Q&A went for more than 2 hours after watching the film. The interesting aspect is how outside the United States the people are much more aware that there is a huge problem. They tend to not grasp that the debt […]

Hillary Should be Careful Using “Sincerely” to Sign Letters

The popular view of the word “sincerely” has been its possible link to ancient Roman times. The Roman administrators grew tired of the frauds by construction workers and devised an interesting supplement to the civil code. They required that contracts and other important documents be signed “Sincerely” at the bottom. Sincere is a combination of two […]

Why Do Most Computer Models Fail?

Computer models typically fail for the same reason why human forecasting from a gut personal perspective becomes a joke. In both cases, if there is no experience with the past, neither can possibly forecast the future. Such models have failed because they lack the historical database on a global scale. How is it possible to […]

Wash Trades & Manipulation

QUESTION: Marty; How effective are Wash Trades in manipulating markets? There are people now suggesting that gold has been suppressed because of wash trades. Isn’t this just another excuse admitting they will not look at anything but gold? Thanks LW ANSWER: Wash trades are not capable of manipulation beyond very short-term events. This is largely […]

Riots Erupting in London Over Conservative Victory

A protest has erupted in central London against the re-election of Britain’s Conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron, with demonstrators throwing bottles, cans, and smoke bombs at riot police. This is illustrating the rising divide between the left and right in politics. This is the part of the source. We should expect to see civil unrest […]

Goldman Sachs & Hillary Clinton – A Marriage Made in Washington

Hillary Clinton is already bought and paid for, She netted $400,000 for giving two speeches for a few minutes at Goldman Sachs. This is by no means a speaking fee. This is what I believe is outright bribery. A speaking fee will be $35,000 to $50,000 tops. She has nothing to offer Wall Street for […]

Velocity of Money – The Harbinger of Future Omens

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I think this would help readers. I kind of don’t get it. How does the decrease in international velocity of money lead to the youth not having jobs? I don’t see the causation. — Cheers, PC ANSWER: The VELOCITY of money is how fast people are spending and using money – its turnover rate. The […]