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France to Spy on Their Own People

The trend towards using terrorism as the excuse to shutdown money and to monitor the general public continues. Authorities are looking closely at eliminating paper money altogether, which would have the benefit of preventing bank runs. This trend is being introduced in France come September, where it will become illegal to purchase anything with more […]

German ZDF Nightly News May 5, 2015

  The film made the Nightly News as one of the top 3 stories That would NEVER happen in the United States, where the money center banks control the government, courts, press, and Hollywood. That’s why Snowden had to go to Britain to be heard. (starts at 25:20) This shows that the film is making […]

VOD Screening Extended for One Week

People from more than 44 countries have been watching the VOD screening of “The Forecaster”. To show the film, the producers had to get permission from the distributors, because rights were sold to theaters and TV. The film is blocked in many countries in Europe right now, but the distributors have agreed to allow the […]

There Comes a Time We Must Stand Up

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, On one of your blogs yesterday you wrote the most chilling comment I’ve ever read on your site, to the effect that you don’t want to live in the world that we’re going into (provided we get there, of course). It’s most chilling for a host of obvious reasons, as well as […]

Iran, War, & Lies

Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has come out and told the world that two American officials threatened military action against Iran if there was no resolution to the nuclear deal talks. He states that Iran will not succumb to U.S. threats and he will not press forward with negotiations with Western powers under the shadow of […]

Understanding a New World Order in Economics Is Possible

I have been doing a lot of interviews in Germany, from TV and radio, to newspapers and magazines. It is clear that they are starting to get the message that this is not about opinion. Every economist has recognized that there is a business cycle. The approach has been starkly different from medicine. Instead of […]

A Cure for Cancer?

A new antibody injection could “wipe out advanced cancer” by rooting out and obliterating tumors, according to scientists at Stanford University School of Medicine. We seem to be in a phase where once we understood the DNA makeup of life, we are off and running being able to change the world. Once we understand the code behind […]

Miracle Advancements in Science: Can Aging Be Reversed?

There have been amazing discoveries in the area of health. The cause of an accelerated aging disease, known as Werner syndrome, which causes patients to show early signs of aging in very early adulthood, has finally been revealed. These patients are actually deficient in a gene responsible for copying DNA. Aging takes place as cells are replaced, but the […]

The Debt Crisis in Europe That Can’t Wait

There is little doubt that people are now calling for a debt crisis in European sovereign debt. When we began warning that this crisis would arrive by 2015 before the 2016 Presidential elections, it appeared strange, but now seems to be old hat. The key is that this has been the forecast of our computer, […]

Tomorrow is the Last Day of the VOD Screening

International VOD Screening