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Socialism violates the Freedom of Religion

The Socialists are out to blame Trump’s Tax cuts to argue why taxes should be higher. At the beginning of 2018, Trump imposed a spectacular tax cut making the USA much more competitive than its European counterparts. Trump argued that the tax reduction would contribute to the recovery of the economy and finance itself through additional […]

Jet Stream Exaggerations

  We have to understand that the Jetstream itself is extremely dynamic. It has been dipping very low and as I reported last winter, it even snowed in Tallahassee in northern Florida for the first time since the Blizzard of 1899. This is causing some very diverse outcomes. In Sweden, they had one of the hottest […]

Happy New Year & Government

Happy New Year World

VICE – The Dick Cheney/Rumsfeld Conspiracy

  I went to go watch VICE – the story about how Dick Cheney took over the government with the aid of his wife – Lynne Cheney. Vice is a film that seeks to bring complicated information about the inner corruption in Washington and transform it into a digestible and entertaining format. There is no question that Christian […]

The Coming Mini Ice Age & Cyclical Movement of the Tropics Belt Itself

We have the most sophisticated and diverse client base than probably any institution covering more than 100 countries. Our business has been constructed upon one bedrock foundation – unbiased computer analysis. These forecasts are NEVER my personal opinion. There are plenty of people who seek to argue but fail to understand it is NOT ME! Just because someone claims […]

Der Spiegel Suspends Two Senior Editors for Not Catching Fake News

The major influential German news weekly, Der Spiegel, has suspended two of its senior editors following the scandal involving a reporter Claas Relotius admitted faking stories for years. Relotius, who is 33, resigned after admitting that he had made up stories and invented protagonists in more than a dozen articles in the magazine’s print and […]

Why Does the Fed Need to Raise Rates?

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong I would like first to thank u for all the good information u give to us i have just a question : why do u write the fed need to increase rates to save the us pensionneers Not realy clear for me ( and maybe a lot of people) Thanks again […]

Martin Luther & New Revelations About the Bible

Many people argue about various theories of the Bible. There is one major issue that is rarely ever discussed. The original Bible was written primarily in Hebrew with some portions in Aramaic. It was first translated into Greek, which even in Roman times many believed was the superior language. The Bible was then translated into Latin but […]

Gaius Marius (157-86BC)

Gaius Marius (157-86BC), an Italian by birth rather than a pure Roman, was a relative newcomer to the Roman elite, and he was considered an outsider by the Senate. It was not until he was in his very late forties and almost past the age of command that he took sole charge of a major […]