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Tens of Thousands Protest in Victoria After Andrews Arrests a Pregnant Woman

  The peaceful march in Victoria with the cry “FREE VICTORIA” from the tyranny of Andrews showed that 10s of thousands of people came out risking arrest from the ruthless police that claims to be just following orders as the Nazis did in executing Jews as they try to pretend they are not the problem. […]

Market Talk – September 4, 2020

ASIA: China may gradually cut its holdings of US Treasury bonds and notes, in light of rising tensions between Beijing and Washington, the Global Times reported. With China-US relations deteriorating over various issues including coronavirus, trade and technology, global financial markets are increasingly worried if China would sell the US government debt it holds as […]

Is Biden for Real?

  I seriously question if Biden’s convention speech was manufactured, and I do not care that there were left-wing journalists there swearing it was all live. If that was really the case, then this clip after that speech is simply not plausible. Something is seriously wrong. Given the powers behind this election, from Gates to […]

Market Talk – September 3, 2020

ASIA: China’s population is projected to drop by half by 2100, calling into question the country’s future economic growth in the face of a sharp decline in its labor force. In contrast, America’s population and labor force is likely to be sustained if the Trump administration’s policy of reducing US immigration level is reversed. The […]

FAKE News Has Been Around for Thousands of Years

Many people claim that fake news is just something that Trump made up. They fail to realize that fake news has been a major political tool for thousands of years. The New York Times celebrated Joeseph Stalin as the future and cure for the Great Depression. Their top journalist Duranty even convinced Roosevelt to recognize […]

Market Talk – September 2, 2020

ASIA: The US Trade Representative’s office said on Tuesday it has extended China tariff exclusions for a wide range of goods, including smart watches and certain medical masks, through the end of 2020, rather than renewing the previous one-year extensions. The tariffs on some $125 billion worth of goods were set at 15%, then lowered […]

Chicago – Flight from the City

COMMENT: My son-in-law’s mother works in (an area of) urban Chicago as a Nurse, a small enclave (that at this time is considered safe)…she spoke to a Chicago Policeman – he told her to get out as soon as she can &to learn to use a gun and get one. He said the Nut jobs […]

Predicting Civil Unrest

The reason the government is monitoring all emails, social media posts, and twitter feeds, is very simple. This is seen as a database from which the prediction of social unrest becomes possible. There is a study titled “Social Network Structure as a Predictor of Social Behavior: The Case of Protest in the 2016 US Presidential […]

Market Talk – September 1, 2020

ASIA: China’s Alibaba Group has put on hold plans to invest in Indian companies, amid souring business relations and rising political tension between the two nations after a clash on their Himalayan border, Reuters reported. Alibaba, which has fuelled the growth of several Indian start-ups, will not put in fresh funds to expand its investments […]

Parksville & Qualicum Beach in BC, Canada Outlaw COVID Restrictions

COMMENT: In a historic act of democracy last night, the Oceanside Common Law Assembly (OCLA) passed a Public Safety Bylaw that prohibits COVID restrictions and mandatory distancing, masking, quarantines, and vaccinations anywhere in the communities of Parksville and Qualicum Beach on Canada’s west coast. As of today, anyone who tries to impose COVID regulations on […]