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Full-Blown Propaganda Now From Press

COMMENT: Yes, MSM is hyping and misleading the public on the risks of re-opening the economy. Their news (rather panic-porn) implied that countries had to shut down nation-wide again after reopening the economy because of infections resurgence. That is not the case in South Korea and China. In China, certainly there are some small clusters […]

It’s Time to Investigate the Players to Prove the Public Has Been Manipulated for Personal Gain

  COMMENT: Marty; it seems you write and others do listen. I remember when you posted that China should stop buying bonds from the bankers and inform the Treasury they will only buy directly. The US never did that. They did in about one week. Well your posts on Burr and the chart you posted […]

Market Talk – May 14, 2020

  ASIA: Market disruptions triggered by the coronavirus crisis have sent more capital into Chinese stocks and some strategists see this as part of a longer-term trend. Todd Willits, head of flow tracking firm EPFR, said in an interview that allocations to China are something people are looking to increase. As US stocks plunged to […]

The Stupidity of Politicians Who Listened to Neil Ferguson

Today, the West is desperately trying to point the finger at China. In doing so, they are trying to deflect the problem as the politicians who authorized this lockdown have demonstrated that they are not qualified to hold office in any capacity, even as court jesters, for they are not even funny. I have often […]

The Battle Over the Virus is Unsettling World Peace

  The demand to investigate and blame China is really not entirely justified. China did not order the lockdown on a global scale. It seems like blaming China for the massive loss of jobs is like blaming the dog for eating your homework. The problem is that there should be an investigation, but who is […]

Market Talk – May 13, 2020

ASIA: China has warned the US that stopping US government’s main pension fund from investing in Chinese equities will only hurt US investors. Trump administration officials linked the action to the coronavirus pandemic, which the US and Chinese governments have blamed on each other in increasingly bitter exchanges. The US Department of Homeland Security and […]

Gates & Modi Connection from India

It has been no secret that Modi of India has been desperately trying to force his nation out of cash and into the world of electronic currency. It has long been assumed that Modi has been a part of Bill Gates’ vision of the future. The left is always the most dangerous because they see […]

Market Talk – May 12, 2020

ASIA: China has suspended imports of red meat from four Australian abattoirs in a move analysts say was “politically motivated punishment” for Australia’s call for an inquiry into the origins of COVID-19. The Chinese embassy in Canberra did not respond to a request for comment. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will force additional checks on […]

Market Talk – May 11, 2020

ASIA: China on Monday threatened to retaliate against a US rule tightening visa restrictions on Chinese journalists in an escalating row after Beijing expelled more than a dozen American reporters. Citing China’s treatment of the reporters, the US Homeland Security Department issued new regulations on Friday, limiting visas for Chinese journalists to a maximum 90-day […]

Market Talk – May 8, 2020

 ASIA: The official Urban Unemployment rate in China was 5.9% in March, as per the data published by the Ministry of Commerce. Yet, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a think tank run by the government, has published a report stating that the actual data could be far greater. Beijing’s data does not include people […]