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TIME – Picks Trump Person of the Year for Dividng the Nation

TIME managing editor Nancy Gibbs wrote the essay naming Trump the Person of the Year. “So which is it this year: Better or worse? The challenge for Donald Trump is how profoundly the country disagrees about the answer.”  TIME had ran a piece titled: Here’s Why Newspaper Endorsements May Matter This Year. Of course, they were […]

All Roads Lead to the Dollar

  COMMENT: Marty; I have attended every conference since 2011. You have really opened my eyes and you have to be blind not see that you have called every trend from the decline in gold, rally in the Dow, collapse of Europe, the rise in the dollar, and the uptick in war/civil unrest not to […]

1901 Expedition Logbooks Confirm There is no Global Warming

OOPS! Antarctic sea ice has not changed for more than 100 years. This further demonstrates that the global warming created by man is just a fraud to get more taxes. Scientists have looked over the logbooks of polar explorers Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton from their expeditions during 1901-1904 and 1907-1909. The theory that […]

Erdogan Admits He is Engaging in War Against Syria

Erdogan has admitted that he is invading Syria to depose Assad’s government. We reported back on August 25th, 2016 that this was the most likely outcome of his invasion on August 24th. Indeed, August has been the time for starting war. Joe Biden went to Ankara last week on a mission to repair U.S.-Turkey relations, […]

BBC Caught Fabricating News to Start a War The press has been routinely creating fake news reports to start a war. This is a serious issue for the press is conspiring against the people to create war, sell climate change, and rig elections. This is by no means something new. They taught me in high school history class about how the press started […]

Trump Won the Popular Vote Excluding California

California is being used to justify handing the crown to Hillary despite the fact she conceded claiming she has 2 million more votes for her. But California is where her margin was 3.7 million over Trump. That means Trump beat Hillary even in the popular vote in the rest of the nation excluding California by […]

Cash is for Criminals – Taxing Cash Withdrawals from ATMs

We are entering a very dark phase in this battle to retain our liberty. A proposal now being whispered behind the curtain in Europe is to impose a tax on withdrawing your own money from an ATM. The banks support this measure as a whole because they see this as preventing bank runs. Nobody will […]

Clinton Hinting Plan B – Blame Putin

The Clinton campaign is clearly trying to see if they can play the Russia card and allege that the votes in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were hacked. They said they were now investigating “any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology.” While the vote was overwhelming reaching more than a 70,000 […]

French Elections 2017

Trying work out models on the French elections is by no means easy. The parties have changed and combined many times since 1973 alone. The National Front (FN) is a generally regarded as far-right because they are a Euroskeptic party since 1993 from its outset. Primarily, the FN is a socially conservative, nationalist political party in […]

Fractal Nature of Trading

QUESTION: Marty; you said at the cocktail party that there are four level of time within each major level of time from daily to yearly. You said that trading results depend upon how you use the model for it is not a one dimensional model so people trying to compare trading results are usually lost. […]