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The Blacklash against Indicting Trump Maybe Greater Than Anyone Thinks

COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong, As I watched the media coverage of Trump’s arraignment, not guilty plea, and release of the indictment with the charges I’ve concluded as you have been arguing that we have crossed the rubicon. The 34 counts of the indictment to my legally untrained mind read as the criminalization of standard politics. […]

Masks Now Embedded in Japanese Culture

Comment: You know, mask wearing in japan was officially ended 5 weeks ago. And there has been no change of practice whatsoever. Mask wearing continues at close to 100pct. Especially among young people mask wearing seems to be here to stay, possibly forever. Somewhere a psychologist will write a book about this phenomenon. Never in […]

How Does ChatGPT Differ From Socrates?

(click on the image to view or keep reading for the computer’s response) How Does ChatGPT Differ From Socrates? A reader asked ChatGPT this exact question, and here is the response: As an AI language model, I differ from the Socrates Platform in several ways. Firstly, the Socrates Platform is a web-based platform developed by […]

Europe Wants War At Any Cost

Federal Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren of the Netherlands has handed the Netherlands Army to be subordinated by Germany. He put out the standard propaganda that he did so because of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. They ignore the fact that it has been the West who started the civil war and propped up this […]

What Survives the Collapse of a Government’s Currency?

I know a lot of goldbugs hate my guts because I do not constantly only say BUY and I point out that NOT only gold and silver survive the collapse of a currency. I once had a German client who was a multimillionaire back in the 1970s. When the German government collapsed, he was buying […]

Trump v DeSantis

QUESTION: I thought you were supporting DeSantis. Are you switching to Trump? SH ANSWER: This is not about Trump even as an individual. A lot of people hate him for being arrogant. Put personal issues aside. If we are civilized, we do not condemn a person because we do not like him. All of that […]

Market Talk – March 31, 2023

ASIA:   India’s unemployment rate rose to a 16-month high in December as job creation in the slowing economy failed to keep pace with the growing workforce. The overall unemployment rate increased to 8.3 percent, up from 8 percent in November, according to data from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. That’s the […]

Trump is Indicted – This May Backfire in Spades

Donald Trump is now the first former US president to face criminal charges after a grand jury in New York has voted to indict him on charges related to hush money payments to an adult film star. President Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), 29th President of the United States (1921-1923), has gone down as perhaps the worst […]

Market Talk – March 30, 2023

ASIA:   Chinese Premier Li Qiang said on Thursday that he was committed to opening up and reforming the world’s second-largest economy, seeking to win over foreign investors even as trade and geopolitical tensions with the West loom large. Li, who spoke alongside the prime ministers of Malaysia, Singapore and Spain, earlier this week told a […]

Why America Will Lose this War As every one Since WWII

A number of people have asked why does Socrates say that the United States will lose this war. One states: “The standalone American firepower without UK/ France, etc, itself is tremendous. How does Socrates say that America will lose the war? It may lose financially. The Chinese have the worst track record in any war.” […]