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Judges and Cops Fail to Prosecute Their Own – Judge Richard Owen is “Above the Law”

Judge Richard Owen Appointed to Bench by Richard Nixon Judge Owen – Dementia Police misconduct is everywhere and nobody seems willing to prosecute any officers for outright murder. This same code of protecting their own exists even more so among judges. After watching the “The Forecaster”, many people are shocked at how Federal Judges are […]

When Did I Become Wealthy?

COMMENT:  Martin, your recent post makes me wonder when did I become “one of them rich people”? We have a family business, it’s no glamour job, I get dirty everyday and never considered myself financially wealthy. Every day it’s just more regulations, fees and taxes both hidden and upfront. There is little protection from the […]

Can Europe be Saved?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find it truly enlightening that you told the European Commission from the outset this idea of the euro would fail because of a faulty structural design. Do you think there is any way to save the European system now? ANSWER: Unfortunately, I believe the entire European project is completely dysfunctional and it […]

Inequality of Wealth

1904 View of Standard Oil During the Progressive Era around 1910, the Marxist view of the world was all about the massive wealth of the very rich like Rockefeller. Standard Oil would always rule the world. How could that possibly change? They argued this was undermining economic opportunity for others. The government championed the progressive […]

IMF Reports Warn of Financial Instability – Low Interest Rates Will Be Our Doom

While people argue over fractal banking and derivatives, the dark clouds on the horizon are approaching from an entirely different direction. A virtual secret meeting took place in Washington with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank present over the weekend. The mainstream media reported that they only spoke about Greece, but behind the […]

It’s Snowing in Michigan

A reader just sent this in. It is snowing in Grand Rapids. Thank God for global warming. Can you imagine how much snow they would be getting without it?

Hillary: The Harbinger of Economic Destruction

The hypocrisy of Hillary is just beyond belief. She and her husband have lined their pockets from government well beyond most. She steered the contract for mining in Haiti to her brother. Bill has taken unbelievable donations for his “library” from foreign governments, thanks to Hillary. Hillary has always taken money from the major banks, yet talks […]

New Polls Show That 75% of Americans See Politicians as Corrupt; 2-to-1 Now Distrust the Police

COMMENT: Martin, First, I want to thank you for all that you do to educate and enlighten — you are living proof that excellence cannot be held down. I just finished speaking with my neighbor whose son was employed with the local police department and was someone for whom I provided a reference. I just […]

European Tour Open to Public

These are the events that are open to the public in Europe: 4/28    Stuttgart, Kino Delphi 7:30pm (booking is open) 4/29    Berlin, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain 8pm (booking is open) 5/07    Leuven, Belgium, Docville Festival 9:15pm 5/08   Tübingen, Kino Museum Solution-Conference 4pm (booking is open) 5/08   Tübingen, Kino Museum THE FORECASTER 6pm (booking is […]

The 19-Year Cycle

The 19-year cycle curiously suggested by Jefferson shows up as another layer within cycle theory. This was the basis for both the ancient Hebrew and Babylonian calendars. The concept of a “leap” year was rather simple to understand. The Julian calendar was a direct calendar to measure time by solar cycles. The Hebrew and Babylonian […]