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Measles & 51.6 Year Cycle?

COMMENT:  Martin, thank you for the work. Your discovery of the pi cycle is just amazing. I am a mom and you probably heard about the latest measles outbreak from Disneyland and now the scare to force vaccinate everyone. It turns out, I just read that the measles vaccine program started about 52 years ago. […]

The Decline & Fall of the United States on Schedule

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your essay on the 224 year cycle and the peak in the United States would occur April 22, 2013. That was the start of Obama’s Syrian invasion argument. I must say, I am blown away with the accuracy of your work. I read an article in the newspaper here that […]

France Turns to Russia as Well

  The Obama Administration has lost respect in every corner of world affairs. Now the French have come out and said that their intelligence service confirms Russia never intended to invade Ukraine.  

Sun & Economy

COMMENT #1: I see they are continuing to plagiarize your work. I see this all over. [Now sun & economy]. Well I get that’s a form of flattery. Nice day to you Marty. Norm COMMENT  #2: Marty, now they are suddenly claiming the business cycle is driven by the sun. It is astonishing how much you are […]

The Forecaster – the World v USA

  It is incredible the stark difference between the United States even allowing the movie to show and just about everywhere outside the USA. The NY banks control the courts, Congress, and the press – the American Oligarchy. Even the theater in Princeton has refused to show the movie where my family would have liked […]

What is Money & Are Future Contracts Immoral?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Even though you don’t usually post comments from people that you perceive as “critical” of some of your views, as well as those who try to correct you when you do make errors (we’re all human, not perfect), I still feel compelled to point out some things on several issues you’ve written […]

Questioning Cycles

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, thank you for all the educating of the masses that you are doing, I have a question about one of the charts in your article of April 8 titled “The ECM and the Interaction of a Complex Wave Structure” you show a series of charts, the chart of “Grate Lakes Annual Maximum […]

Shmita cycle & Big Bang

QUESTION: Thank you for the research and insightful posts you share with us each and every day. Question: Since you are keen of market cycles, I wanted to get your take on the 7-year Shmita cycle and the 49-year Jubilee cycle that arises from the 7-year Shmita cycle. As you know, Shmita means ‘shaking’ or […]

Looks Like Some Planets also Conform to Pi

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Its not just the Sun, some planets also seem to line up with the Pi Frequency. The most interesting is Venus which completes 7 orbits in one 4.3 year cycle. Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Period, d 224 365.25 687.00 4332.00 Period, y 0.61 1.00 1.88 11.86 Orbits 7 4.3 16 4 Pi […]

Interest Expenditures Will Exceed Defense by 2020

  “However, that will flip the other way for interest expenditures will exceed defense by 2020 and with a uptick in interest rates, then you will see inflation.” My statement as a matter of fact seem to have picked up a lot of interest. Inflation will return ONLY when interest rates rise. I know this is opposite what […]