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Fractional Banking Misrepresentations

COMMENT: Hi Martin, FYI – I personally think the confusion on this topic comes from the University.  I was a student 20 years ago and studied finance.  This is what we were taught – The money supply expands with lower reserve requirements.  It should really read the money supply would expand with a lower reserve requirement […]

Blood Moon September 28th, 2015

  We have received a lot of emails about the Blood Moon and how the last of the lunar tetrad lines up with the major turning point on the Economic Confidence Model this year – 2015.75. Lunar eclipses usually do not occur in any specific order. However, every once in a while, four total lunar eclipses happen […]

Short-Term Sun Cycles May Be A Pi Frequency

Closer studies of the sun have revealed that there are short-term seasonal cycles with an average of about 330 days. We are applying for the data to run it through our computer models which are the best at identifying frequencies on a highly complex plane. My bet, this will work out far more precisely to […]

Understanding the Players in Banking

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You have explained what others seem to create a mess out of. It is the Fed who can create the money out of thin air not the bankers. The banks create money as a multiple of deposits. Only the Fed can create money at will. These people seem to take a bit […]

Fed’s Ability to Create Money From Thin Air

QUESTION:  Thank you for the explanation about what fractional banking is. It clarifies the real intent and impact of this issue on the economy. Would you please then explain what quantitative easing is? It appears as if this is indeed the creation of money out of thin air. cs ANSWER: This is a different animal […]

Obamacare Postponed until 2018 After Elections

  Obama’s Cadillac Tax was due to hit January 2016. As always, the politicians KNOW this will be devastating. So what do they do? They push it off into 2018. This crazy law is all about raising taxes so your benefits will become taxable income. They already tax corporate profits three times (1) corporate tax, […]

Bribing Bankers to Pay Tax – Bliss

COMMENT: I got it. Banks do not create money out of thin air it is lending multiples of the same money. I wish it was the thin air for as you say just bribe a banker to pay your taxes. HT REPLY: Yes that is the whole issue. We can regulate the reserve requirement increasing […]

Thin Air v Leverage

QUESTION: So your argument is that there is some base line for deposits and that is the difference between thin air and leverage. Correct? Joe ANSWER: Yes. Thin air to me implies anyone could then lend non-existing money. That is totally different from taking $1,000 and lending it out multiple times so that the amount […]

It Wont Be The First Time They Hang Bankers

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for explaining the banking problem. It is leverage but they cannot create money without a basic deposit. The way these people spin this you would think you just open a bank and create money by loans without any deposits at all. Why are these people so bent on destroying banks? This […]

World Economic Conference 2015

  We will no longer accept reservations at this time for seating. Our maximum capacity is 500 in the USA and we have well exceeded that number in total. Depending on the venue for Europe and how many people attend that event rather than the one in the USA, then we will know how many […]