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Is There Something Behind the Power Outage in Washington DC?

The April 7th, 2015 power outage in Washington DC is curious to say the least. Virtually instantaneously, the government declare it was not a terrorist attack. After all, how could that possibly be when the NSA guards the country. If there was an attack on the power-grid, then the NSA would have to answer for […]

Fractional Banking Myth – & Giro Banking

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have only just found you and started reading your articles this last month after your interview on … radio..   It is a pain in the Butt we are not taught any of this in school, but I still have an HUGE aversion to a fractional reserve system where a private group or cartel is […]

Doreen’s Battle with IRS and Contempt of Court

  I neglected to put the link to Doreen Hendrickson’s fight with IRS and the Judge’s contempt orders.

2015 World Economic Conference Nov 7/8 Princeton, NJ

We will be holding the Fall World Economic Conference in the States in Princeton, New Jersey the weekend of November 7th and 8th. We are in the process to trying to nail down the venue and dates for the European World Economic Conference for late November to early December most likely in Berlin. We will […]

Bank Portfolios Reflect Bubble for 2015.75

For the first time since 2008, banks are rushing into government Treasuries (PUBLIC) holdings faster than corporate/consumer loans (PRIVATE). Bank portfolio holdings have been a key component in monitoring the shifts between PUBLIC and PRIVATE CONFIDENCE. These shifts from government securities to private holdings within bank portfolios is an important leading indicator of the rise […]

How Absurd – Banks Should Not Lend More than Liquidating Value of an Asset?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, there are those who advocate that banks simply cannot ever lend beyond the liquidation value of its assets and that if the bank is threatened with insolvency then you unwind the loans and you eliminate a banking crisis. Do you think this is a viable solution? Thank you Hank ANSWER: No. That is […]

2015.75 – Peak in Corruption? Dark Age of Socialism

The 2007.15 Peak in the ECM set in motion a profound sea-change within the economy on many levels. It was the beginning of the decline in economic power of the West and the shift in economic power to the East. Liquidity has failed to return and every office building I drive by even today has […]

Bad Bank

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Your identification and differentiation of relationship vs transactional banking in understanding the corruption of the banking system is spot on imo. Did not the evolution of this change depend on the increasing government involvement, e.g., the recent RE bubble where banks made inflated/fraudulent loans and collected fees only to sell the […]

Abuse of Contempt of Court – Far more Common than People Realize

One of the most abusive aspects of our legal system is the contempt of court. This is where judges claim the power to be a medieval king and just send you to prison without lawyers, trials, or even committing a crime. In the case of Doreen Hendrickson, she refuses to plead to something she says is […]

Tsipras meets Putin – Obama Reducing America as Superpower

  Brussel’s sheer stupidity in pushing Greece to pay debts nobody else honors is absolute madness. The proposal we set forth at the Solution Conference is far deeper than many realize at first sight. Eliminating government debt at the federal level will save Europe for with this sort of debt-equity swap, which precisely Putin is […]