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July 18, 1996 Testimony of Martin Armstrong before House Ways & Means Committee

July 18, 1996 Testimony of: Martin A. Armstrong Chairman Princeton Economic Institute 214 Carnegie Center Princeton, NJ 08540   Mr. Chairman, members of the committee. I would like to thank you for inviting me here today to offer what information PEI has gathered from our experience in dealing with the multinational corporate and institutional sector […]

World at a Glance

One of the primary mistakes that the Federal Reserve is making has been to follow the same policy of Japan with exceptionally low interest rates. While the theory that lower interest rates will stimulate borrowing, the false assumptions are many. (1) banks will pass on the savings, (2) they ignore the devastation imposed upon the […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Causing Shift from Public to Private Investment

In an interview with Michael Diekmann, international head of global Allianz insurance concerning their investment strategy, he states publicly that they now avoid sovereign debt for any new investment! Handelsblatt Morning Briefing <> This is demonstrating what we have been warning about. This is what ALWAYS takes place in such a economic crisis that we […]

Weekly Update for 9/15/2012

Germany’s Top Court Gives Green Light Germany’s top constitutional court, as expected, rejected efforts to block a permanent Eurozone rescue fund.  They dismissed motions that sought to block the European Stability Mechanism but did rule that their contribution of $240 billion could not be increased without legislative approval.  Germany was the last county to ratify […]

QE3 Confirms The Economic Implosion

  Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved September 13, 2012 QE3 Confirms The Economic Implosion There is little doubt that the economy will not recover any time soon and QE3 proves that trend is in motion in addition to it being election time. The push to hunt down capital on a global scale is creating […]

Stagflation – Higher Unemployment with Inflation

The Disappointing jobs growth showing poor figures boosted optimism that the Federal Reserve will act to stimulate the economy next week. The nonfarm payrolls report, which showed job growth of only 96,000 last month, came a day after bold action by Europe to stem the debt crisis drove the US share markets higher with the […]

The Clinton Debt Crisis – WSJ OpEd

This is an OpEd written by Martin Armstrong for the Wall Street Journal. April 19, 1995. In sum, the manner in which President Clinton (1993-2001) was able to balance the budge was (1) the economy recovered in 1994 with capital pouring into the United States as it fled South East Asia resulting in the Asian […]

Update for Gold 9/7/2012

Gold has moved up into the 1700 level. We have closing resistance at 1720.7 – 1720.9. Gold rallied above this level, but this is the area to watch for the close of NYC. If we close above this area, then it is possible to rally a bit more but leaving this week as the highest weekly closing. […]

Gold The Recent Rally

The computer called for a high at this time a year ago. There is nothing new. The same old news of QE3 will be inflationary is just nonsense. We have massive deflation still going on. The key to watch is interest rates. Do a simple correlation and you will see that inflation requires rising interest […]

Jackson Hole

There was no surprise from the Bernanke statement other than basically he can justify more easing if he wants to. He has admitted that the recovery has effectively faltered and is “far from satisfactory,” and as a result, the Fed “should not rule out” new policies. However, Bernanke stopped short of outlining the specifics of any […]