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Market Talk- March 2, 2018

Mainland China market stood out again today but only because it did not fall as much as other core indices. Shanghai saw its days low just after the opening bell and even looked to trade positive at one stage just ahead of lunch. However, ahead of Italian elections, BREXIT discussions and President Trump’s tariff announcement […]

Hunt for Taxes & the CRS

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I followed your advice and opened an account in the United States. I live in Britain and my daughter lives there in the States so I used her local address. To my shock, it was very easy. You said the USA has become the new tax haven. So the USA is not […]

Market Talk- March 1, 2018

China appeared as the only bright spot in Asian markets this morning with Shanghai closing up +0.45% and the Hang Seng marginally better at +0.65%. Both indices toyed between both sides until the final hour then recovered at the close. Much of todays talk centred around the deleveraging that President Xi appears to be pushing […]

Market Talk- February 28, 2018

After the weak US retracement the DOW (futures) spent much of the Asian session around the mid 25,500 level. But, interesting that as we have been highlighting for a few weeks here that the DXY looking to be bottomed on time. Jerome Powell’s comments obviously shook markets, but worth comparing currency weighted equity index movements. […]

Market Talk- February 27, 2018

  Not such a convincing day today for Asia as Shanghai and Hang Seng returned yesterday gains, whilst the Nikkei and ASX added to the move. Both the mainland and HSI attempted gains but were quickly rejected soon after the open. These moves have reversed only some of the recent gains but probably expected ahead […]

Market Talk- February 26th, 2018

  After the strong close in the US on Friday, we open the week with an equally impressive Asian session. It was the Shanghai index that shone bright today with a 1.25% return, not bad for a Monday and with month end so close. Domestic markets were boosted by the removal of the two-term limit […]

Market Talk- February 23, 2018

  A strong day for Asian equities with good performances from the core and periphery. It was only the Shanghai index that looked unsure early in the day that briefly slipped into negative territory after lunch, but only to finish back at opening days highs. A strong +0.65% return led by financials and industrials to […]

Socrates Update World Share Market Indexes

These are the World Stock Indexes Available in the Basic Level AEX (Dutch) Index Cash AEX All Share (Netherlands) All Ordinaries (Australian) Index Cash Athens Stock Exchange General Index (Greece) Cash Austrian Traded Index Cash BEL20 (Belgium) Index Cash Bist National 100 (Turkey) Botswana Stock Exchange DMS Companies Index (Botswana) Bulgaria Stock Exchange Sofix (Bulgaria) CAC-40 (France) […]

New Markets Added to Entry Level of Socrates

We have added the following market to the Socrates general public service level. AEX All Share (Netherlands) FTSE 250 (United Kingdom) FTSE All Share (United Kingdom) FTSE All World $ (Global) Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporation (Hong Kong) Hang Seng China Enterprises (Hong Kong) Tel Aviv 125 (Israel) Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Index (Jamaica) KOSPI […]

Market Talk- February 22, 2018

We saw a mixed session in Asia which is not so surprising having seen a total reversal of US stocks gains in the final hour of trading. Yesterday’s 300 point gain ended with a 167 point decline proved the uncertainty Asia really didn’t need. The Yen continues to be the harbor of safety gains on […]