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A number of emails have come in and all seem to be astonished that there is more than one type of financial crisis. Not even the famous Tulip Crisis was domestic. Tulips were also trading in London. It was the first speculation coming out of the Dark Ages as the middle-class developed. Capital poured into […]

Fractional v Relationship/Transactional Banking

QUESTION: Marty, in your piece about banking are you suggesting that fractional banking is not the issue it is the shift from relationship banking to transactional that is causing the greatest damage? Thanks Bob ANSWER: Absolutely. The difference between a Dark Age and Capitalism is the very fact that banks exist. The Dark Age after […]

FACTA & The Penalties

  Americans are treated as simply the property of the state. The line to resign American citizenship is at historic highs. The penalty for an American failing to notify the USA that they have an offshore account is a fine up to $500,000 and 10 years in prison. They also have a penalty. A non-willful […]

The ECM and the Interaction of a Complex Wave Structure

  For the new readers is trying to grasp the significance of six waves, the entire structure of the universe is based upon cycles for this is how energy moves. This applies to absolutely everything without exception.   If you stand at the corner of a busy street and close your eyes, listen to the […]

Government Against the People – Tearing Down Statue to Snowden

A statue was erected in Brooklyn to honor a champion of people’s rights against the government – Edward Snowden. The government went in to demonstrate to the entire world that the United States is all about government and not human or civil rights. The government has torn down this monument demonstrating that there is no […]

The Major Fractal Wave of the Economic Confidence Model & 2032.95

  To all the questions about high up the fractal structure can be defined, here is the Economic Confidence Model at the very high end. We are in the grand Public Wave overall that peaks in 2032,85. This is the equivalent of the wave that picked the Peak of Rome in 175AD. So here too […]

The 6th Wave

  QUESTION: Marty, I remember you displaying a chart on the fall of Rome and the ECM. Do you have that one to show again? KW    ANSWER: Here is that chart. The last Sixth Wave marked the peak in the Roman Empire. Every historian has drawn the line to mark the beginning of the […]

New York Showing of the FORECASTER

COMMENT: Marty I saw the film today, Congratulations ! Spectacular ! I only wish that it would play nation wide and be seen by millions of Americans who know things just aren’t right ! My sincere thanks and appreciation for you have done and will soon do with your well thought out but beautifully simple […]

The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States

QUESTION: Marty, I remember you giving a seminar back in the early nineties and you showed a chart of the rise and fall of civilizations with the energy output of the sun long before there was this insistence on global warming. Do you have that chart still? REPLY: Here it is. It was redone in […]

My Apology

  My apology. Orthodox Easter this year is April 12th – May 1st is next year. My Bad. I am always terrible with dates – I had to be reminded this was Easter here. The staff from overseas was here still and we all were working & forgot what the day was. My family had […]