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Domestic Analysis v Global

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I watched your Solution Conference and I appreciated it a lot. Indeed, I hope they will follow your suggestions. As far as the markets are concerned here you can find attached the latest report of some guys I have been subscribing to since 2010. Their models warned of a possible top in […]

French Ban Thin Models From Working in Paris

Believe of not, the French have now passed a law that prohibits thin girls from working as models in Paris. Under the law, models will have to show they have a Body Mass Index (BMI) above a certain level. Of course, they will imprison agencies who use girls that do not meet their guideline. They will […]

Socrates Demonstration

COMMENT: Marty, the demonstration of Socrates at the conference was mouthwatering. With everyone in less than 6 months claiming to have artificial intelligence is really laughable. I understand the tremendous amount of work you have done is just the front end process. Your system is way beyond artificial intelligence. That is why so many people […]

Swiss Proposal to Take All Credit Away From Banks and hand it to Government

There is also a referendum that will come up with the same stupid idea that all credit decisions should be handed to the central bank now in Switzerland. If these people could not manage a peg, can you imagine what will happen to the entire credit markets? This is just entirely brain-dead. These people FAIL […]

Musical Chair Banking

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, I read the Iceland proposal before you posted your comment about it.  I knew intuitively it wouldn’t work because they were putting government in charge of credit creation – like placing the wolf in charge of the hen house.  (I believe my conclusion came from your Education – thank you.) I listened […]

US v Europe

COMMENT:  Dear Marty, My favorite part of The Solution is that it is so logical. If something can move us forward from this mess in which we are that is logical thinking, it has always been and will always be our specie’s best resource.It has taken me days to digest the information, not because I […]

The New Economy on the Horizon

There is a significant problem insofar as people do not comprehend how the economy evolves. We move through these waves of Creative Destruction and the skill sets change entirely. The Great Depression was such a wave that forced people off the farms and to become skilled labor. This time technology is rapidly underway in changing […]

Capital Flows Are Obviously Not Understood By Many

The capital flows have already shifted. It is amazing that people remain trapped in their little world of nominal terms. One comment “The US economy has clearly stalled, while the $DAX and the $SSEC have broken out. This is interesting because I know you were expecting a huge capital shift FROM Asia and Europe, but […]

Comment from Iceland

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for paying attention to Iceland. You are absolutely correct. The banks failed because of Lehman paper. The bankers harmed the people by selling mortgages in foreign currency because the local money supply was insufficient. I have read much about Iceland and it appears that those who preach against banks outside […]

Iceland’s Radical Reform – Another Braindead Idea

Far too often people fail to understand banking and credit merely making superficial judgments that lack any real in-depth understanding of the world financial system. The common assumption is that the greatest curse of mankind is that commercial banks create money through lending and then securitize such loans selling them into the marketplace illustrates the […]