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Rand Paul moves to Repeal FATCA

  Senator Rand Paul this month introduced a bill to repeal FATCA. This Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is by far the single worst act in history and it is primarily the cause of setting in motion a global depression of untold proportions. If we do face a Dark Age, this will be the very […]

The Euro – A Serious Confirmation

The Euro closing for March below 10765 being a Double Monthly Bearish Reversal is rather ominous for the long-term. This confirms we will see the Euro collapse to new lows. This may have more to do with just interest rates. The “feeling” in Europe is far more pessimistic than in the USA. I have a […]

INFLATION will begin with Higher Interest Rates

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First of all, thanks for making the sense of the world for all the readers. Without you, as you yourself know well, 99.99% of us are lost !!! When you say- That is when inflation will appear when this become obvious we have a runaway train and central banks can do NOTHING. Are you saying […]

The US Has Previously Done a Debt for Equity Swap

QUESTION: Do you think Congress would accept a debt for equity swap? I am not sure even their chief of staffs would understand this one. HD ANSWER: There is precedent for a debt-equity swap. That is actually the Hamiltonian Model. Alexander Hamilton proposed that the States who funded the Revolution should have their debts consolidated […]

MONTH END Closing Below 10765 in Euro & Market Recap

  We have a DOUBLE Monthly Bearish Reversal coming into play today for the Euro at 107.65. This seems to confirm we will see a drop to par. This is still placing pressure on the dollar and a rising dollar remains the confirmation of a deflationary trend in motion. Europe can lower the Euro, but […]

Trying to Manipulate Reviews – NY Boys are Amazing

COMMENT: Hi there – I saw the movie last night having booked my ticket well in advance. When I got there there were several people enquiring about tickets but the Box office lady told them it was already sold out. They were shocked. All age groups at the viewing as well. Everyone knows the charges against […]

Yes You Can Still Watch the Solution Conference

  It is amazing the sheer number of people still coming in to see this conference. Perhaps the word is getting out. Looks like we will now exceed 10,000. This is becoming very interesting.

NSA Proves it Cannot Protect Even Itself no less the Country

  The NSA incident proves that they are bullshitting everyone for since they grab every text, email, and phone call, why did they not know they were going to be attacked? They claim they could have prevented 911. Nice claim. It is all nonsense. They are tracking us for money. They are making a film […]

London Has been Sold Out

COMMENT: Martin Just been to see The Forecaster in London, it was a full house. F**king fantastic film! The audience were captivated. Thanks for sharing your story. It was an amazing story, this film needs to be seen by the masses. It strengthened my belief that bankers own government. Thank you, I wish you and […]

Can the Fed Just Cancel the Debt?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, If QE is not inflationary, then why are you proposing debt-for-equity swaps? What’s the point. Why not monetize 100% of all deficits and then simply have the central bank cancel the debt? Also, why don’t you ever entertain the idea of a free banking system? Why does government need to be involved at […]