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Impact of Higher Rates

QUESTION: It seems much of the growth in private companies is being fueled by debt. What is the affect after the Big Bang on these companies that are relying on borrowing to grow and expand? Thanks Bill ANSWER: We have been advising corporates to borrow as much as they can now and lock it in for […]

How Are the Coupons Redeemed in a Debt-Equity Swap

QUESTION: sure enjoyed your conference via livestream and thank you for your blog site as it is very informative. I understand the swap of federal debt for equity in the form of coupons. then the coupons will be redeemed as cash from the treasury. what method of funding the coupons will the treasury use? I assume […]

OTC Derivatives

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Enjoyed the Solutions conference and am looking forward to the October conference.  There was no mention of the over the counter derivatives market.  Would a debt to equity swap trigger the swaps creating a much larger problem then the current outstanding debt?  Didn’t they try doing a voluntary default with Greek debt before […]

From Greece

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Your solution is unbelievable. Greece’s debt is selling at a huge discount from face just like Mexico in 1986. If we follow your model, this would reverse everything. I agree opening this up for all holders of debt rather than exclusively domestic as they did in Eastern Europe would entice major new […]

Breakdown of Debt

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, I have been eagerly awaiting your Solution and am trying to wrap my head around it. Can you explain more about the debt to equity swaps? What exactly would the debt be swapped for? PS: In your latest blog, you mentioned repealing the “13th” amendment. That gave me quite a shock until […]

What Level of Debt

QUESTION: Martin Do you mean only on a federal level? Would people’s home mortgage be wiped away? I would think not but if it’s a true reset who knows Regards, JCL ANSWER: The ONLY debt is Federal, not private and not state or muni. They will trade as is on the market. This will end […]

Why We Need the Crash & Burn

Comments are now coming in from those in central banks and governments, which ones I will not mention. They can see the proposition, but ask how can we actually reach the proposal? I do not expect that we can create such a reform without the pain. In the United States, we would need a constitutional […]

Polls show Americans Do Not See Putin as Much More of a Threat Than Obama

  New Poll in USA shows the American people see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama himself. This is what I have been saying. There is NO DIFFERENCE between the Russian people and the American people. Russian have migrated to the USA and you meet many people from there. Some flew to Princeton […]

We cannot Escape the Past Until We See The Future

COMMENT: I watched the Solution Conference and your explanation of two monetary systems being barter and representative was insightful. I can see why the goldbugs hate you and how they are trapped in yesterday’s world of a barter economy. You have a lot of work ahead of you for this is truly revolutionary. You have […]

The Right to Even Trade

COMMENT: Marty, I watched the Solution Conference with my son who is 18. While I at first thought it was a restatement of what you have been saying in different postings, my son’s eyes popped open. He said to me ‘Dad, he is right. He sees what we see. This is not working and there […]