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Santa & Socialism

Child of Krakatau kills Hundreds in Indonesia

Anak Krakatau volcano (Child of Krakatau) erupted on Saturday causing a landslide which set off a tsunami that left at least 222 people dead. The search continues. Not much can withstand a tsunami. The activity in this region is what changed the climate and caused the year without a summer in 1816. Once again, volcanic activity increases with solar minimum […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand at the WEC you told the audience the stock market would correct sharply into January/February. For those of us who could not afford to attend a WEC, are we to expect the slingshot you have been warning should take place? Thank you; HP ANSWER: Yes. Timing is absolutely everything. DO […]

2014 CNN Journalist of the Year Admits He Just Made Up Stories

On December 20th, 2018, Claas Relotius was forced to resign after admitting that he routinely just made up stories and invented protagonists in at least 14 out of 60 articles that appeared in Spiegel. He had written for the magazine for seven years and won numerous awards for his investigative journalism, including CNN Journalist of the Year in 2014. […]

Outlaw Government Pensions? The Hunt for Endless Taxes

The commentary that has appeared in Forbes calls for the only solution is to outlaw pensions. This is actually what will happen. Because there is no resolution, the government pensions will demand to raise taxes and then there is never any reform in government so the end game is one major economic confrontation – the […]

Which is the Cheapest State for Property v the Highest?

According to GOBankingRates, to afford a house now in California it requires $89,280 annual salary.  This is the highest in the nation and is a warning that taxes are pushing the limit in California to the point that homes will enter a very sharp decline as people keep trying to leave. This chart is interactive and […]

The New French Revolution?

France is now preparing to use chemical weapons against its own citizens around Paris to counter-attack the Yellow Vest rioters as their anti-Macron protests continue after 5 weeks. This chemical is a debilitating powder that can be spread over an entire area of the size of six football fields in ten seconds. So far, the police have arrested […]

The Fed Relies Indirectly on the Banks & Cannot Stimulate the Economy Directly

QUESTION: Hello, Since the Fed ‘created’ ‘money’ after 2008 that was then deposited back at the Fed by the recipient banks ( say,75% of it), it is not easy to see why the Fed is to blame for the credit explosion since 2008- nor for the very slow ( like a paralytic centipede) hike in Fed […]

Romania BET Crashes over EU Austerity Tax Increases

I have been warning that raising taxes is DEFLATIONARY because you are reducing the net disposable income. Governments simply cannot get that through their head. In Romania where protests over political corruption have been unfolding, the government revealed its plan to try to comply with EU austerity raising they hope 10 billion lei ($2.5 billion US) […]

Belgium – After Nearly 2 years Without a Government – Charles Michel Resigns

CLARIFICATION ON Charles Michel Prime Minister Charles Michel’s coalition collapsed because it signed the United Nations agreement that has become a cause celebre for anti-immigrant politicians. The document is known as the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.” The U.S. and a number of other countries, most of them in central and eastern Europe, have […]