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Biden Supports the Green Agenda

Biden said: “When Donald Trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can muster is ‘hoax,'” Biden said during a speech unveiling the plan on Tuesday, “When I think about climate change, the word I think of is ‘jobs.'” These people have no idea how much damage has been created within the global economy. […]

Market Talk – August 24, 2020

ASIA: China’s e-commerce and food delivery giants are reaping the benefits of an increasing number of consumers shopping online and businesses trying to digitize, trends accelerated by the coronavirus outbreak. Chinese players have recently reported strong earnings for the second quarter as lockdown rules in the world’s second-largest economy relaxed. India is likely to see […]

The Pandemic to Future Climate Change Agenda

  COMMENT: Marty, a friend in a European government said they are afraid of you and your computer with the pandemic. anonymous REPLY: I am fully aware of those concerns and I have heard they are very much against Socrates because it warns of their failure. They can kill me but it will not silence […]

Thousands Protest Lockdowns in Ireland

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I hope you’re keeping well? Just to let you know that was a major demonstration in Dublin against the COVID hoax yesterday with the numbers attending being under-reported by the mainstream media. All this while days before, a group of politicians, including the Irish EU Commissioner Phil Hogan, broke every COVID rule […]

Biden’s Best Speech Ever Reveal the Gates Agenda

Joe Biden delivered a very good speech. He read his script well and painted Trump as a white-supremacist. But the concerning element is he promised to create millions of jobs rebuilding the economy GREEN and raising the taxes again what Trump reduced to “pay for it” as if the government ever pays for anything. The […]

Manipulation – Confusion – Election Jitters

QUESTION: Greetings Martin I hope family is doing well. Your latest PB mentions the organized effort by gates and world economic forum to manipulate the entire world. All of your past teachings have always said that No one can manipulate the World markets as “even Buffett couldn’t corner silver.” Even when they asked you to […]

The Real Masters Behind the Scenes

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I read your blog with great fascination recently as the great Covid hoax continues. You talk about the global agenda for one world government and I sadly agree with your assessment. I do wonder though if you have an opinion on who the real masters are? David Icke calls them ‘the cult’ […]

Market Talk – August 19, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he postponed trade talks with China, adding that he does not want to talk to China right now. Representatives from the United States and China had been scheduled to discuss the implementation of their so-called Phase 1 trade deal on Saturday, but those talks were canceled. India’s […]

Migration Patterns & the Risks Behind the US Election

  QUESTION: Being there is lots of trouble coming after the election, does Socrates see a mass exit of people to other countries ie Canada? CM ANSWER: No, the indication is the opposite. It appears people are moving into the midwest and selected areas in the south, particularly Florida. We are running two major projects: […]

Podesta & Military Coup?

  I seriously doubt that the majority of people even think this election is anything but normal. Many hate Trump simply because of his Tweets. Others cannot even explain why they hate him so much. This has been an information war from RussiaGate to Impeachments. The divide between Republicans and Democrats has never been this […]