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Three Supermoons of 2016

Our model does not factor in astronomy, astrology, nor religious prophecies. We did not select the date for the World Economic Conference to align with the biggest Supermoon for the 21st century on November 14th with the other two events being October 16 and December 14. This is when the moon becomes full on the […]

Trump v Hillary White House

QUESTION: Marty; As you have always said you are not Republican or Democrat because both parties are corrupt and the scandals seem to be endless on both sides. Hillary scandals involve money and Trump women, not unlike Bill. In many ways, this is like the Clintons, sex v money. So what do you really think […]

The Winds of War

This is a video of Putin explaining the balance of power from the Russian viewpoint. He is absolutely correct in saying that an anti-missile system neutralizes opposition. It would certainly embolden the war hawks into believing that they could defeat Russia and rule the world at the expense of American and Russian citizens. Montesquieu, who […]

Russia Advising its citizens How to Prepare for Nuclear War Warning US Intends to Attack

Just as Obama keeps ratcheting up the allegations that Russia will hack the elections to ensure Trump wins, in Russia they are warning their citizens that war is coming and it maybe nuclear. They are warning that NATO is retrofitting tactical aircraft for the use of nuclear weapons, “which is sign of preparation for war with Russia”. […]

Hillary’s Speech at Goldman Sachs Praised Her as “courageous” for Defending Them

Hillary Clinton has refused to release her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts for which she earned millions of dollars giving paid speeches. Besides the $945,744.00 Goldman donated to the Clinton Foundation (making sure it was under $1 million), they also paid Hillary $675,000 for just speaking at Goldman Sachs, which was clearly a pay-off for there is […]

Understanding Islam

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why do Islamic extremists hate us so much? ANSWER: I have asked why is Russia our enemy when they are no longer communist, but nobody can answer that question. The response is usually, “They are Russian.” There is this same residual issue between Islam and Christianity in many circles that people cannot explain. […]

Russia Preparing for War?

The Russian press is now reporting that the Russian Defense Ministry intends to turn the Crimean peninsula into an impregnable fortress. It will be not only a military outpost of Russia in the Black Sea region, but also be able to defend themselves, even when cut off from the mainland. Russia is now deploying a […]

Hillary Admits Saudi Arabia funds ISIS Yet Takes Money From Them for the Clinton Foundation

Wikileaks has produced an email that shows Hillary Clinton routinely discussed things that should have been on a secure server. Hillary sent an email to her campaign chairman John Podesta back in 2014, who was then-counselor to President Barack Obama. In this email, she said Saudi Arabia and Qatar were both giving financial and logistical […]

Pound Sterling Collapses

COMMENT: Marty; Your forecast at the last WEC that the pound would break the 1985 low seemed extreme. I have to say as I watch it this morning, your computer picks every trend around the world with remarkable precision. You are providing a unbelievable learning lesson teaching us how the world really works. I understand why […]

Russia Warns Obama – Smell of War is in the Wind

Russia WARNS Obama not to attack Syrian forces. It is clear that the Obama Administration is desperate to continue its nation building policy and is determined to overthrow the Syrian government with absolutely no alternative as they did in Iraq and screwed up the entire region. It appears the US military is on a fast […]