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Australia – Politicians Gone Wild

  It seems as though no matter what country we look at, the political class has turned into the worst bunch of people perhaps who have ever occupied office. There is just no exception. Australia’s cushion with the rise in commodities that created the mining boom is heading into meltdown mode. That boom glossed over […]

Shifts in Liquidity – Indicative of Deflation & Bond Bubble?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Interesting read on the London traders post today. I’ve always traded from home primarily in mid cap equities. This last year has seen the steady decline of liquidity in small and mid cap stocks as people seriously start to question which company’s will survive and which won’t. The blue chips are liquid […]

Terrorism & Greatest Excuse for Everything – Now Canada Joins USA With Indefinite Imprisonment

Obama signed into law the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a sweeping defense policy bill, which includes some improvements in terms of civil liberties and human rights on its previous two iterations. However, a number of provisions — as in the 2012 and 2013 NDAAs still allows for indefinite detention. Most brainwashed Americans who […]

“What the bloody hell is going on!”

  Comments coming back from the traders in the City of London have been interesting. “What the bloody hell is going on!” Dealers have all had position limits cutback, and traders seem to have a diminishing desire to play as they will not be paid anyway. Those that have had the chance to move to hedge […]

The Coming Ice Age – Not Global Warming

  One fact the Global Warming Con-Artists will not tell you is that mankind collectively accounts for only about 5% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. There is no money in trying to warn about a natural cycle that cannot be stopped. Blame mankind and then there is a pile of money to be made […]

Jumping to Conclusions

QUESTION: Good morning Marty, For the Solutions Conference I have to ask… if for lack of money we are to dismantle the Government’s social programs, then where is the empathy for those who in troubled times need assistance? Adam Smith in his book The Theory of Moral Sentiment, which some say Mr. Smith considered his more […]


COMMENT: Marty, you were the first to report that there was a State of Emergency in Frankfurt ahead of the media. I find this very curious for what does this say about the media? Thank you REPLY: We may be the most international firm ever for we have clients and readers in absolutely every nook […]

The Man Destroying the Republican Party

Boehner’s New Strategy: Enlist Democrats First, Not Last The man who will split the Republican Party is none other than John Boehner. He is the Game Show Host of Politics and it is always his way or now way. The barely won the house election and that was possible only because it came the day […]

The Fed – Rates – Objectives

  U.S. stocks rallied on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve suggested a less aggressive timeline for raising interest rates even as it opened the door for the first hike in almost a decade. The Fed has come under lobbying from other countries not to raise rates. The Fed will comply for now, but when the […]

Evolutionary Process of Labor

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your evolutionary process of labor from agriculture to skilled labor fascinating. This is indeed why unions destroy jobs rather than preserve them. They fight against the evolutionary process of labor that follows technology. So clearly skilled labor is moving constantly. What field would you recommend for one’s children? Thank you […]