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Time to Get the Debate Moving

QUESTION: Marty; I am anxious to listen to your Solution’s Conference. This is amazing it will be seen worldwide live. I know few firms that can do a live stream like that. We looked into that technology ourselves. So I just wanted to ask one question regarding political reform. I can see that there are […]

ECB Riots Trash Frankfurt Turning into War Zone

  The violent protests downtown Frankfurt simply paralyzed the city. Barricades were burning everywhere and at least 90 policemen were injured. The city of Frankfurt, normally the obedient Germans would never act in such a manner, yet the city was reduced to a war zone. No doubt they will be looking at further restrrictions now […]

The Euro Bounce

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Those in the industry call you the “legend” and indeed you come out and say the Euro will bounce and it immediately moves. You are perhaps far more influential than you let on. S REPLY: Yes I have heard that is my nickname. But the other side of this coin is simply […]

State of Emergency in Frankfurt ECB Protests

  This entire experiment with the Euro is literally going down in flame.

Are we Headed Back to an Ice Age?

  One of the most shocking things I bumped into in the middle of the night was when I input the data on the energy output of the sun and then correlated that into our data base back to 6000BC. Low and behold, the 300 year cycle matched up with the rise and fall of […]

Dow To Be or Not To Be – Correction Time?

  We warned that the Dow was not going to blast out to the upside and we saw a sideways to consolidating trend into May. Nothing has really changed and as you can see from our Energy Models, we have indeed been in a declining phase. Technically, the Dow is coming back to key support. […]

Austria to Default on Debt of 10.2 billion Euros

The province of Carinthia in Austria with its multibillion-dollar commitments for the former Hypo Alpe Adria, is presenting the classic problem. Does the state honor its guarantees, or does it simply say sorry, we never really guaranteed that. The state government is looking to default of its debt of €10.2 billion euro guarantees. This is […]

ECB Grand Opening with Tanks & No Journalists?

Perhaps the strangest opening ever has marked the ECB in Frankfurt, Germany. The opening of the new, paid by the taxpayer office tower of the ECB, is accompanied by tanks and a military force to protect bankers. Whoever ventured on the road to the east of the city since Monday have to believe the Romans were […]

Cell Phones Reveal Where You Have Ever Been

Carrying a cell phone creates a record of where you have been all the time. Indeed, the police use this info to arrest people. Many people have been arrested using this info. The interesting aspect, you can trace yourself thanks to Google.


  What is interesting is that the ratings for Cable News reflects the shifts in politics. MSNBC keeps declining and not even CNN can’t beat Fox. This is interesting for it is reflecting a conservative shift underway and this is significant for it is preparing the way for a split in the Republican Party as […]