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New Evidence Surfacing US Assassinated General Patton

New evidence is surfacing that General George Patton was assassinated by the US government to shut him up for Patton’s position was clairvoyant to say the least that the Germans were not our enemy, it would be Communist Russia.   Everyone knows my father was with Patton all the way from North Africa to Berlin. […]

The Majority Are Just Fools

In 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton owed millions of dollars in legal debt. Since then, they’ve earned over $130 million. Where did the money come from? Most people assume that the Clintons amassed their wealth through lucrative book deals and high-six figure fees for speaking gigs. Now, Peter Schweizer shows who is really behind those […]


The reason we need a computer to monitor the world is a rather stark reality that complexity is astonishing. Yes you can work out a cycle on an individual market. But what happens when that market is impacted by a cycle from an external source? The resulting wave motion becomes complex. The person incapable of […]

What Can We Do

QUESTION: Dear Martin, All of the issues you point out…government debt, weather cycles turning down, bank manipulations, loss of individual freedoms, topic avoidance by the Media, hunt for taxes, the dying global economy etc… are absolutely INVISIBLE to the average American. People, in general, have no clue what is going on. With the exception of […]

How I See The World

  Albert Einstein Documentary To Advance, you must explore the world like a child – to simply be in awe of everything around you and to embrace the curiosity of wonder, never the assumption of conclusion. To be a non-conformist is the essence of exploration for within that element lies the wisdom to embrace the […]

Putin Alive Appears in St Petersburg

Putin has appeared in St Petersburg today commenting that “Life would be boring without rumors.” Our sources seem to have been on target that there was merely a power play going on after the assassination of Boris Nemtsov, but Putin had not actually been deposed. Our sources were pretty spot on but reflected the problem that […]

Putin & The Coup?

The rumor behind the curtain centers on a possible coup against Putin following the assassination of Boris Nemtsov, whose killing appears to have been the harbinger of political turbulence inside the Kremlin. There has been a long list of Putin critics who have met violent deaths over the years. Ramzan Kadyrov may have also slipped and […]

EPA will soon License a Barbecues and Impose Fines for Cooking

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, The insanity continues apace. This is moving towards being beyond belief: Regards, Niall. ps – just bought some tickets for the London showing of ‘The Forecaster’ on March 28th. Looking forward to it very much… REPLY:  As long as you are not a NY Banker, you should like the film. Most […]

The Coming Wave of Creative Destruction

QUESTION: You have said that we are in the middle of a shift in the economy similar to the Great Depression where agriculture crashed from 40% to 3% and this time it is government and technology. It seems that your warning of also moving to an electronic currency fits with your new age of skilled […]

Sophistry & Confusion over the Fed

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; There are those who argue that the Fed caused the booms in the developing countries by lowering interest rates that resulted in them borrowing in dollars making the world now short the dollar and thus have enslaved the world to the dollar. Therefore, they claim that whoever controls the central bank of the […]