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Who Controls the Money Supply – Fed or We the People?

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Laugh you may. How about we just exchange with each other with love and compassion? All the best, m   ANSWER: Ironically you hit it on the head. You will deal with someone you TRUST and you will not deal with someone you do not TRUST. This is the very essence […]

Bitcoin Can Go to 2,100.000,000,000,000?

Now others say that number is wrong and bitcoin can go to 2,100.000,000,000,000. If that is true, then my first statement is correct. If everyone swapped all money for bitcoins then what is the difference? This is not a question of supply. Money is just a medium of exchange not a sort of constant value and […]

Bitcoin will be Capped at 21 million?

  I am told that I will be wrong because Bitcoin has an arbitrary cap at 21 million so it cannot end up as the dollar. Sorry, if you cap it at 21 million and there are over 300 million Americans alone, just how is Bitcoin going to ever replace anything? That is the attempt […]

Austerity in USA & Republican Approach to the Budget

QUESTION: Do you really think austerity can come to the USA? ANSWER: No. However, that is the issue which is likely to split the Republican Party for 2016. That is why the Solution cannot be simply cutting taxes or raising taxes. Obama raised taxes so far by more than $2 trillion and he is asking […]

Stock Market & Bonds During the 1980s

  The DAX is making this type of breakout whereas the Dow is crawling sideways along resistance. It is not quite ready for prime time. That does not  preclude the Dow from first reacting down with the first rate hike because so many people believe higher rates are bearish. Those will be the buying opportunities […]

This Market Will Begin When Gentlemen Prefer Stocks to Bonds

QUESTION: “You do not see the stock market peak with the bottom in rates. That has NEVER happened even once”. So the new highs in the global stock markets are not due to the zero or negative interest rates and these are not the peaks, yet? The peaks will happen when rates rise (bonds collapse) and money flows […]

Financial Panics of the World

The History of Financial Panics By Martin A. Armstrong Financial Panics have been very interesting for they have been taking place since ancient times. There are two primary types of panics. One that is very short-lived with a typical duration of 2 to 3 years maximum, and the second type which precedes a prolonged economic […]

Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates not Lower

QUESTION:   I’m just wondering how the stock markets can go up into a rapid bubble in 2015 -17, if the bonds are going to collapse in Oct. of ’15? do you still stand by your call for stocks to go so high this year? oil is going to go too cheap., and it would seem […]

IBM using BitCoin Technology – Leveraging the World

COMMENT: Hi Martin, This one might interest you, as it is exactly what you told us that is coming: Kind regards, Alex REPLY: Yes, I have been in discussions with various governments who have expressed directly that they were looking at how bitcoin would operate. They are moving to electronic. That is without question. […]

It is Always Dependent upon Perspective

The arrogance of some who confuse pollution with the power to alter the cycles of the universe is truly beyond description. This video puts it all in perspective how tiny we really are in the scheme of all things. When in Economics we attribute all causes to something within our domestic economy, we are making […]