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Real Estate 15yr v 30yr Mortgage & New Electronic Currency Coming

Locking in a mortgage at these low rates makes send for it will be a hedge against the real estate. The 15 year mortgage is more practical in that it saves interest costs. The 30 year was a Great Depression invention to try to support the real estate market by allowing people to buy on […]

Our Proprietary Capital Flow Models

  COMMENT: Marty, I cannot believe all the organizations, press articles, and forecasts that now claim capital flows are headed into the USA. This has been your model for decades and I remember you explaining how the data is gathered on a collective basis globally and is not from a single published source. You are […]

Gold Falling out of Favor – Now they Count on Apple Watches?

COMMENT:  Mr Armstrong, The gold world is running out of stories for the public. First it was no gold at Ft. Knox, then manipulation, then a Chinese gold standard, hyperinflation, German repatriation, the Swiss vote and the best but weakest story, now. REPLY: I seriously doubt Apple will save gold. True, the excuses just keep […]

Ultimate Pi Day 3/14/15 Tomorrow

 My Personal T-Shirt for Tomorrow  Yes tomorrow is the Ultimate Pi Day, which comes around once every 100 years. Is it significant as a target in markets? No, not particular. For you see, this is based on our current calendar, which was a revision known as the Gregorian Calender. This switched the start of the […]

Bull Markets are Defined By Currency Flows

  Gold appears very weak in terms of dollars and so many people now are writing off the goldbugs are just irrelevant as if they were the people who refused to adopt the Gregorian Calendar which made January 1st day one rather than April 1st for the start of every year. Their prejudice against the […]

Lindsey Graham – Total Nut Case

Well Lindsey Graham is just someone who should be banned from government if not locked away in some prison for he seems to have inherent violent tendencies. Besides arguing that lawyers and trials should not be provided to anyone accused of terrorism and can be imprisoned indefinitely for life with no recourse because the government […]


QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Your post about the DAX not breaking out yet was interesting as it made me understand a lot of things. My question to you is: If we measure the NASDAQ in Euros, couldn’t we say it is in a bubble? Thank you for what you do. It is truly enlightening. Regards. I.A. […]

Trial by Ice – Not Fire – The New Ice Age Cometh?

  Hey – it is snowing in Mexico City. In the 2012 Maya Report, We published the natural cycles that are most concerning. About every 11 years with the Sunspot Cycle, the poles flip polarity on the sun. I provided the evidence obtained from the lava flows at the bottom of the sea that confirm the […]

Post Office Secret Cameras Record People’s Faces and License Plates

  The paranoid people in government are really out of control. They have zero regard for what this country stood for and they are all on this agenda that is indistinguishable from Stalin, North Korea, and East Germany. Why do they have to record the faces of everyone going into a post office and record […]

Governments Are Broke Now they Are Turning People Against People

New York City (NYC) is turning man against his brother all for money writing their own epitaph. NYC telling people to video tape cars just idling in town who they will then fine and the rats will be rewarded. This is precisely how Rome was torn apart and it is amazing to watch how history […]