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Manipulating the World Economy Or Just Understanding How It Really Functions?

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved May 16th, 2012 Manipulating the World Economy Or Just Understanding How It Really Functions? Some people will never admit a mistake. No matter what I say, they just will not believe me. I have received emails from some nasty gold fanatics saying the government is right for whenever I […]

Saving the World

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved May 6th, 2012 Don’t Anybody Move Or the Black Guy Gets it! I have worked with people on Capitol Hill for some time now. I testified before the House Ways & Means Committee in 1997 on the global economy and taxation. When I was young and idealistically naïve, I […]

Asia Kabushiki Shinbun – January 10, 1997

Kabushiki Shinbun January 10, 1997 The Best Investment Opportunities in 1997 are the Dow (after Making a Correction), Commodities, and the British Pound Our newspaper urgently did an interview with Mr. Armstrong, who is the most famous analyst all over the world about markets in 1997. This is part two of the interview. In the […]

Asia Business Times – November 2, 1996

Business Times November 2, 1996 US Polls Result will have Little Effect on Dow, says Expert by Fred Tam Of late there is much talk in the investment circle on the after-effect of the coming US presidential elections on the US stock market and by logical extension, the world stock markets, including Malaysia. Many market […]

Asia The Weekly Toyo-Keizai – October 19, 1996

The Weekly Toyo- Koizai October 19, 1996 America Listening to Mr. Armstrong, chairman of Princeton Economic Institute Capital Flows into the US with the Background of “Uncertainties” In the Presidential election, President Clinton will keep his advantage. But, even if Clinton wins, serious problems come to the surface next year. After the election, interest rates […]

Asia Nikkei Business – February 27, 1995

Nikkei Business February 27, 1995 After Mexico, Canada Might be, Same Thing Perceived among G-7 Countries Interview with Martin A. Armstrong, Chairman of PEI Many people think that Latin America and other developing countries might fall into debt crisis following Mexico. But I don’t think so, but possible default might occur in Canada and it […]

Asia Nikkei Business – April 10, 1995

Nikkei Business April 10, 1995 The Consequences of the Worldwide Currency, Debt and Political Crisis by Martin A. Armstrong, Chairman of Princeton Economics International Japan, Ltd. The drastic political change that took place last November in the United States is more than merely a shift in power from Democrats to Republicans. The people of the […]

Asia The Weekly Toyo-Keizai – August 5, 1995

The Weekly Toyo- Koizai August 5, 1995 An Interview between Martin A. Armstrong, Chairman of Princeton Economics International, Ltd. and Mr. Atsuo Mihara, an economic commentator To take aim is at the US stocks, gold, and the Australian natural resource related stocks. Distrust on governments has globally become prominent due to the increases in the […]

Asia The Weekly Toyo-Keizai – November 19, 1994

The Weekly Toyo- Koizai November 19, 1994 Insight into Global Trends of Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Stocks Commodity is the Next Target of International Money Though the global economy is said to be recovering again, financial markets still look caught in a deeper quagmire. In our recent interview with a leading US investment consultant, […]

Australia The Australian – June 30,1989

The Australian June 30, 1989 Why our Interest Rates should Tumble Mr. Martin Armstrong, of Princeton Economics International, offers a surprisingly optimistic outlook on our economy. Richard Gluyas reports Princeton Economics International, founded by Mr. Martin A. Armstrong, now 40, opened for business in 1970. It has offices in New Jersey in the United States, […]