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How Shipping Pollutes as Much as all the Cars in the World but they are Exempt

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Happy Holidays. First of all thank-you, you and Socrates are amazing, I have all the wrong instincts as a trader but since I have been following you I have finally turned that around. Regarding global warming, I only argument I have found effective when trying discussing this topic is: If it was real, […]

Why Banks Have Become Judge, Jury & Prosecutor and will Shut you Down Judged Guilty for Nothing That is Actually Illegal

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I would like to share any information on the subject “The Hunt for Taxes and the Abolition of Cash” that you comment on so often: Citi closes accounts of customers who withdraw cash instead of using credit cards The Peruvian author and journalist Jaime Bayly, who lives in Florida, comments political and arts issues in […]

The Use of False Flags to Increase Power

  Historically, Hitler used a very famous event that was the origin of the term “False flag” back in 1933 to reinforce his power. The German False flag used by Hitler was known as the Reichstag Fire. Hitler had a problem. He won less than 35% of the vote. The Reichstag Fire was an arson attack […]

Blaming Humans for Everything

COMMENT:  Hi Martin, while I concur with your views that humans are taking too much “credit” for climate change, I can’t say I agree with the chart you posted attributing such minimal reduction in CO2 values to eating a plant-based diet. The fact that eliminating meat from diets gets NO attention from the “it’s all […]

A 19 Mile Wide Meteor Crater Discovered Beneath the Ice in Greenland

Part of the type of events which can alter the climate besides volcanoes, which tend to erupt during solar minimum, has also been meteor impacts. It has been recently confirmed that one of the largest meteor impacts some 19 miles in diameter lies hidden beneath the glacier in Greenland. It is remarkably well preserved but exactly […]

Global Warming Has Nothing to Do with the Sun?

Those who have come forward and presented evidence the sun is the leading cause of global warming have been typically silenced because that result produces no pot of endless government grants to justify taxes for the academic community. It is interesting that while they claim use sunscreen because you can get skin cancer from the […]

Growing Food Inside

There are a number of options for growing food inside which can be considered. There are even companies that set up indoor farms for restaurants such as Farmshelf. There are various options you can explore in the world of hydroponics and vertical farms. So there are alternatives for those caught up in global cooling. It is […]

The Real Game of Thrones

The real Game of Thrones is already underway. The contest to succeed Mario Draghi is now officially open. The head of the European Central Bank (ECB) will leave office on October 21st, 2019. The question is who has the guts to step up to the plate to clean up the mess he is leaving behind? The appointment […]

The Brewing European Debt Crisis

Macron is pushing for the European Finance Minister to raise money by selling EU bonds and then distribute the money to the 19-member Eurozone. France is very heavily indebted and here once again we have simply the goal to raise more money rather than reform. Because of the riots in France, Macron is trying to […]

German Yields Decline for Lack of Confidence or Expectation of Lower Rates at the Fed?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you agree with Bloomberg that the yield on German bunds has declined in anticipation of the Fed lowering rates? JV ANSWER: No  The falling yields on German government debt is simply intensifying the trade to buy German and short everything in the South in anticipation of a failed Euro. Also, there has […]